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Law proposal by Marco Rubio and Tim Kaine advances to face crisis in Nicaragua

Senator Marco Rubio holds Correa responsible for criminality in Ecuador

MIAMI- The Foreign Relations Committee of the United States Senate gave the green light to a momentous measure in support of the Nicaraguan people. The Law for the Restoration of Sovereignty and Human Rights in Nicaragua was proposed by Senators Marco Rubio and Tim Kaine.

This legislation now moves toward a vote on the full U.S. Senate.

This law seeks to hold the authoritarian regime of Daniel Ortega and Murillo accountable for its serious violations of human rights and its repressive tactics against Nicaraguans.

What is this legislation about?

This law reauthorizes and reinforces the sanctions previously imposed by NICA and RENACER, with the objective of sanctioning the Ortega regime and its allies for their actions against democracy and the fundamental rights of Nicaraguans.

In addition, it establishes additional measures, such as sectoral sanctions on the Nicaraguan economy and the prohibition of new investments by US entities in the Central American country.

Representatives María Elvira Salazar and Chris Smith have also supported this cause by introducing companion legislation in the House of Representatives. With these actions, the United States seeks to send a strong message of support for the Nicaraguan opposition and condemnation of the human rights violations perpetrated by the Ortega and Murillo regime.


Senator Marco Rubio expressed his enthusiasm for the approval by the US Foreign Relations Committee, “the authoritarian dynasty of Ortega and Murillo has redoubled its repressive tactics against Nicaraguans, all while illegally profiting from a human trafficking scheme . “I thank my colleagues who are members of the Foreign Relations Committee in the Senate for approving this very important measure and I urge all members of the Senate to pass this bill in the plenary,” he thanked.

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For his part, Senator Tim Kaine stated “what is happening in Latin America affects us right here. The Ortega regime has committed horrendous human rights abuses against the people of Nicaragua, which has resulted in political instability, violence and an increase in “I am pleased that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted to approve my bipartisan legislation with Senator Rubio which supports human rights in Nicaragua and urged the full Senate to pass this legislation as soon as possible.”

Senators Rubio and Kaine highlighted the importance of this initiative amid the growing political instability and escalation of violence in Nicaragua perpetrated by the Ortega-Murillo dictatorship.


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