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Law to protect intersex children called for

In an open letter to the federal government, more than 70 organizations insist on a law to protect intersex children and young people. A ban on operations that are not medically necessary is required.

In the letter published today on the occasion of the international day against homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and inter*phobia, Austria is still lagging behind.

“To this day, intersex children and adolescents experience medical interventions that are neither self-determined nor necessary. This often leads to great suffering, trauma and physical ailments,” said Luan Pertl, board member of the Association of Intersex People Austria (VIMÖ), according to a broadcast.

Zadic: There is a law

As early as 2021, the National Council called on the federal government to protect intersex children from unnecessary medical interventions.

According to the answer to a parliamentary question by Justice Minister Alma Zadic (Greens) in April, a corresponding draft law has been in political vote since autumn 2022 and is with the coalition partner ÖVP.

Many signers

The open letter to Zadic, Health Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens) and Family Minister Susanne Raab (ÖVP) is signed by three self-advocacy groups, among others: the Association of Intersex People Austria (VIMÖ), the Association Klinefelter* Inter and MRKH Austria (Mayer Rokitansky Küster Hauser Syndrome women* self-help group Austria).

The Intersex Austria platform, HOSI Linz, Salzburg and Vienna, the Litigation Association for the Enforcement of the Rights of Victims of Discrimination and the Austrian Union of Students (ÖH) as well as the child and youth ombudsman have also signed. A petition was also launched, which has been signed by several hundred people so far.

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