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Lazio-Torino, Ghersini escapes the game –

The point sull’arbitro Davide Ghersini who directed Lazio-Torino, ended 1-0 for the Granata di Juric

At the end of Lazio-Torino, the consueto appointment with Carlo Quaranta. There was no fortunate pomeriggio for the referee Davide Ghersini of the AIA section of Genoa who directed the game of the Olympics against Lazio and Torino.

the little game

Sin dall’avvio il match has presented situation borderline, from the pallone sfuggito gave the hand to the goalkeeper Milinkovic-Savic ma agguantato giusto in tempo al quasi rigore causato da Singo with a waist his Hysaj at 13 ‘: after protesting biancocelesti, Ghersini ben piazzato has Lasciato I will continue valuing the intensity of the trattenuta troppo lieve to decree the maximum punishment. Le immagini evidenziano il tocco ma queste e di conseguenza il VAR no sono atte a valutare almost del genere che restano di pertinenza del directore di gara. From that public moment, the biancocelesti giocatori have started a continuous dispute with the director of the garage that at 19′ comes an answer directly from Sergej Milinkovic Savic about an alleged failure of Buongiorno non ravvisato, at 23′ he protested all and giocatori laziali to see He made a mistake in attacking his Angola fighter at 26′ and linetty was caught by a mistake from his Zaccagni. At 29’ lascia giocare dopo a fortuitous pestone from Djidji his Zaccagni provoking other protests. In this phase, the referee closes in all and modi di tenere faith at his own initial setting that it is that the fish are little aware of the weather that created if the situation escapes a little from the hand and gives the sensation of being insicuro anziché ricorrere all’autorevolezza che il suo ruolo gli imposes magari assuming anche dei provvedimenti più intransigenti. At 43 ‘nell’azione del gol granata si lamenta Sarri for a lateral failure battuto da Rodriguez in modo scorretto diversi secondi prima ed at 44′ a spallata in area granata against Ilic and Pedro comes giudicata regolare (ed in effect even with the intensity è valutabile only dal direttore di gara). In the second time the situation if it transcends più or less all this way even if I didn’t see it was almost particularly evident, all arrived and cartellini: at 48′ Romagnoli proteso in scivolata raises the shrimp to finish the return of Singo and receives the sacrosanct ammonizione, at 53′ the stesso Singo rischia ancora signing irregularly with a leggere trattenuta Zaccagni ma in this case Ghersini concedes only the punishment; at 62′ Ammonito Rodriguez comes for a mistake by his Felipe Anderson and one minute after this was sorted by Singo piuttosto nervoso (and difatti comes replaced suddenly after). At 78′ cartellino giallo also for the neoentrato Gravillon who intervenes with his long arm Marusic, at 79′ ammonito also Lazzari for a failure of his Karamoh and infinity all’84’ rischia il secondo cartellino Gravillon for an intervention his Zaccagni. Per the Ligurian referee, if it is dealt with the seventh comprehensive direction with i garnet and the comprehensive bilancio, it is now 3 vittories, 1 pareggio and 2 sconfitte.

Referee, cartellino giallo

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