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Le Mensonge (France 3): should we watch the series with Daniel Auteuil broadcast this Thursday, March 30? Our opinion

This Thursday, March 30, France 3 rebroadcasts the series The lie worn by Daniel Auteuil. Inspired by real facts, is it worth a look? Our opinion.

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This is a replay that offers this Thursday, March 30 France 3, but not just any… The lie, a mini-series in four episodes, features Daniel Auteuil in the role of Claude Ardonna, a mayor of the city of Vence whose life is about to change… Previously broadcast in October 2020, the fiction had brought together a large audience, since the first evening brought together nearly 4.7 million viewers for more than 20% market share, and the second 4.4 million viewers for more than 19% market share. What is she talking about ? Is it worth a look? Our opinion.

The lie(France 3): what is the fiction about with Daniel Auteuil?

In this mini-series, Daniel Auteuil therefore embodies Claude Arbonna, a very popular man in the city of which he is the mayor. Until the day when the latter is accused by the being he loves the most, his grandson Lucas, of rape. The revelations of the 9-year-old boy come as a cataclysm for the whole family. The family then splits in two, between those who believe in Claude’s innocence and Lucas’ parents who believe in their son. Lucas’ attitude reveals behavioral problems, medical examinations are carried out and reveal scars…

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The lie(France 3): should we watch the series with Daniel Auteuil broadcast this Thursday, March 30? Our opinion

Daniel Auteuil is masterful in this family drama, caused by the lack of love and inspired by the Iacono affair. For the record, Christian Iacono spent almost ten years in prison when he was innocent, because of the terrible lie of his grandson! The high-quality screenplay and direction, by Vincent Garenq, testify to the ravages of a child’s simple lie in search of attention… A moving television film, whose story grips the guts and which did not leave viewers unscathed during the first broadcast, in October 2020.

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