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League 1: The FPF sends a notarial letter to the Consortium authorizing the transmission of matches of the ‘U’, Muni, Boys and Mannucci

The Peruvian Football Federation (FPF) issued a statement to inform that it sent an official communication to the Peruvian Football Consortium (GOL Peru) to inform them that they have been given authorization to broadcast the matches of Universitario, Sport Boys, Deportivo Municipal and Mannucci de Trujillo as a local in League 1. And what happened to Alianza Lima, as well as three other teams?

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Through its website, the FPF reported on this communication to the Consortium: “… on February 2, 2023 (the FPF) sent a notarized letter to the CFP authorizing it to broadcast the scheduled matches for this week: Universitario vs. Cantolao Academy; Sports Boys vs. Trade Union; Municipal Sports vs. Carlos Mannucci, as well as those of the following dates “says part of the communication.

This communication comes to light, after the statement issued by Alianza Lima, Sport Boys, Deportivo Municipal and four clubs from the interior of the country announcing that they will not participate in the League 1as a consequence of the precautionary measure presented by the FPF for the transmission of its matches at home.

Despite this statement, the FPF He had already announced that he was going to respect the contracts of Universitario, Sport Boys, Deportivo Municipal and Mannucci de Trujillo with the Peruvian Soccer Consortium.

Document presented by the Peruvian Football Federation.


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