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League of Legends code stolen: After cyber attack, Riot Games should pay ransom

The source code of two games from developer Riot Games were stolen during a cyber attack. The company is now faced with a ransom demand. League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics, which are playable in the same launcher, as well as an old anti-cheat program are affected.

Riot Games does not pay the cybercriminals a penny

Due to the attack, which was officially confirmed on January 20th, Riot Games has not been able to release new content for the two popular games.

On Tuesday, Riot Games announced: “Today we received a ransom email. Of course we will not pay.” The studio’s stance is clear. However, the company did not say how much ransom it is asking for.

“While this attack disrupted our build environment and could cause problems in the future, we are confident that no player data or players’ personal information was compromised.” At least there is good news for anyone who wants to continue playing League of Legends or Teamfight Tactics with peace of mind.

“Honestly, any disclosure of source code can increase the likelihood that new cheats will appear. Since the attack, we’ve been working to assess the impact on Anticheat and be prepared to make fixes as soon as possible, if needed,” Riot Games continued .

“The illegally obtained source code also includes a number of experimental features. We hope that some of these game modes and other changes will eventually be available to players, but most of this content is prototype and there is no guarantee it will ever be released.”

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This is how Riot Games proceeds

The developer is currently working with law enforcement agencies who are investigating the attack and trying to locate the perpetrators. The studio wants to be completely transparent about your steps.

“We’re committed to transparency and will be releasing a full report in the future detailing the attackers’ techniques, the areas where Riot’s security controls have failed, and the steps we’re taking to ensure something like this doesn’t happen happened again, to be described in detail”.

“We’ve made a lot of progress since last week and we believe we’ll have fixed a few things over the course of the week, which will allow us to maintain our regular patching cadence going forward. The League and TFT teams will be bringing you guys soon let you know what that means for each game.”

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