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Leaked Microsoft Documents to the FTC Confirm Ongoing Development of DayZ 2

Leaked Microsoft Documents to the FTC Confirm Ongoing Development of DayZ 2

In his collaboration with Microsoft, Bohemia Interactive is involved in much more than the development of Arma 4. One of the documents sent (seen in this tweet) by the owner of Xbox to the FTC reveal that the developer also is working on bringing DayZ 2 to fans in the near future.

Company documents offer few additional details about the project, but reveal relevant information about Bohemia Interactive. They indicate that projects like Ylands and Vigor did not achieve the expected success or establish significant new IPs for the developer.

As a result, both Arma and DayZ continue to be the main pillars of the company, which justifies their focus on developing sequels for these franchises. The documents also reveal that the first DayZ is still very popular, with a daily average of over 30,000 players today.

DayZ is one of the pillars of Bohemia Interactive.

Along with the DayZ 2 and Arma 4 projects, Bohemia Interactive is also developing Arma Reforger. The latter is found currently in early access and is described by the developer as an improved version of the series It uses the new Enfusion graphics engine.

Arma Reforger does not yet have an official release date for the full game, however, so far it has mixed reviews on Steam, with some saying it’s fun, but others saying it looks more like a demo for the upcoming Arma 4.

In contrast, DayZ stands as a very well rated game and has laid the foundation for the battle royale genre In its whole. We now have to wait and see how Bohemia Interactive will lead the future of the franchise and when more official details on the progress of the project will be revealed.

Fountain: IGN

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