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Learn about the 26 regions that make up Peru


At this point in the 21st century, there doesn’t seem to be anyone who doesn’t know that the Peru It is divided into regions, but what few know is that it was not always like that.

Throughout its history, our country has undergone different changes in its geography that ended up giving it the shape it currently has.

Some were only in name, but others were due to the loss of territory by the countries we defeated with which we had more than one war; especially chili.

would not be until The arrival of the Spaniardsand then from independence, until our country began to present a certain order.

(Peruvian Studies)

For example, with the advent of our freedom, many areas of the Peru They were called municipalities (before they were corregimientos), since they had been baptized during the Viceroyalty.

Then they became Departments of the Peruvian Republicthe same ones that were subdivided into 56 provinces (previously called parties) and 439 districts, which used to receive the names of ‘doctrines’ or ‘parishes’.

Some years after Don Jose de San Martin declared the independence of Peru, more precisely in 1824, our country had eleven departments: Arequipa, Costa (until 1823), Cusco, Huamanga, Huaylas, Huánuco, Lima, Maynas, Tarma, Trujillo and Puno.

With the passage of time these were subdivided, and changed their names, until they reached the 24 apartments.

A special case occurred on April 22, 1857, when the then president of the republic, Ramón Castilla, raised Callao to the Constitutional Province, after the Chalaca population showed itself at a great height after the attempted coup of Manuel Ignacio de Vivanco and his hosts. Callao is the only province in the history of Peru that has achieved this legal status that gives it internal autonomy.

(Gustavo Pons-Muzzo)

To close the 19th century, and after losing in the Pacific Warour country loses the department of Tarapacá and the province of Arica

For a good part of the last century of the first millennium, Peru was managed with departments. It would not be until the arrival to the government of the Aprista leader alan garcia that the creation of regions was decreed instead of departments. A new era was beginning.

Despite the fact that at first it seemed like a good idea, the disorder that took place during the first government of García Pérez caused a series of problems administrative nature and limits that brought more problems than solutions.

(Traveling project)

In this sense, it was in the first years of the mandate of Alberto Fujimori that all the little progress that had been made in this matter was aborted, although the leader of Cambio 90 maintained some of the functions as regions in charge of the Transitional Councils of Regional Administration (CTAR).

After the fall of the fall of the fujimorista regimethe new division of the Peruvian territory was 24 departments, 194 provinces and 1828 districts.

When the year 2002 arrived, already with Alexander Toledo as president of Peru, the Organic Law of Regional Governments is promulgated, published in the official newspaper El Peruano the next day. This new law allowed the creation of Regional Governments in what used to be departments.

One of the prerogatives of this regulation was that different departments they could come together to form a region prior to a referendum.

Political Regions created during the Aprista government of Alan García (1985-1990) (Traveler Project)

However, all the proposals were rejected by the towns, except the department of Arequipawhich won the right to become a region.

Currently, the regions of Peru, and their respective capitals are:

1 Amazon (Chachapoyas)

2 Ancash (Huaraz)

3 Apurimac (Abancay)

4 Arequipa (Arequipa)

5 Ayacucho (Ayacucho)

6 Cajamarca (Cajamarca)

7 Callao (Callao)

8 Cusco (Cuzco)

9 Huancavelica (Huancavelica)

10 Huanuco (Huanuco)

11 Ica (Ica)

12 Junin (Huancayo)

13 Liberty (Trujillo)

Peru current map of the regions and their capitals(dreamstime)

14 Lambayeque (Chiclayo)

15 Lima (Metropolitan Lima)

16 Lima Province (Huacho)

17 Loreto (Iquitos)

18 Mother of God (Puerto Maldonado)

19 Moquegua (Moquegua)

20 Pasco (Hill of Pasco)

21 Piura (Piura)

22 Puno (Puno)

23 San Martin (Moyobamba)

24 Tacna (Tacna)

25 Tumbes (Tumbes)

26 Ucayali (Pucallpa)

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