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Learn about these vitamins that may be helpful in lowering cortisol levels

Learn about these vitamins that may be helpful in lowering cortisol levels

The adrenal glands release a surge of hormones, including cortisol and adrenaline, in the form of a warning, this translates into increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and tense muscles.

Miami Neuroscience Institute neurologist Dalia Lorenzo, MD, said in a Baptist Health South Florida blog that Continuously high cortisol levels can cause a person’s health to deteriorate.

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Increased stress raises cortisol levels, which can have different impacts on your health.

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That is why it is important, in addition to stress management with methods such as meditation and yoga, a balanced diet rich in certain vitamins can help you control this hormone.

To ingest it, you can eat foods such as fish, eggs and low-fat dairy products, in addition to sunbathing frequently.

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Folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 play an important role in the processing of the amino acid called homocysteine, which is related to heart disease.

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The B vitamins are a group of eight different nutrients that work together to manage many processes in the body, including stress levels.

To take B complex supplements can help a person get enough of all the B vitamins.

Some B vitamins, such as vitamins B12 and B2, or riboflavin, are found mainly in foods of animal origin such as fish, meat, and dairy products.

A lack of zinc is also associated with depressive symptoms. It is found mainly in oysters and crabs, AARP describes.

Magnesium also improves mood and is present in nuts, whole grains, and green vegetables.

According to Medical News Today, magnesium is an important mineral necessary for the effective functioning of nearly every system in the human body, and there are several studies that suggest it plays a role in anxiety.

Magnesium is found in whole wheat, spinach, quinoa, almonds, and dark chocolate.

Keep in mind that before adding any supplement to your diet you should consult a doctor.

Salmon, sardines, anchovies, chia seeds, spinach and Brussels sprouts are also good options, they point out in the article on the Jefferson Health.

consumption of Rhodiola improves stress symptoms such as fatigue, exhaustion and anxiety and Valerian which contributes to a better quality of sleep and is important to deal with stressful situations, as explained in the FarmaSky blog.

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