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Lecture “Prepare in time and properly”

Great interest in the lecture by notary Mag. Valentin Huber Sannwald.

The invitation to the lecture by Uses Mag. Valentin Huber Sannwald triggered, so that the capacity in the large “living space” lecture hall was not sufficient and many spontaneously interested people had to be put on the waiting list for a possible repetition of the lecture. Topics covered such as power of attorney, living will, will, handover during lifetime are only mentioned here as representative.

Mag. Huber-Sannwald provided information on this in a very understandable way and underlined in a very comprehensible way how important it is at an advanced age and especially as long as one is still fit and fully legally competent to set the (legally secured) course – i.e. correctly . The fact that such complex and demanding topics raise a corresponding number of questions from the listeners was already evident during the lecture, those of Mag. Huber-Sannwald in between, but also after the lecture in individual discussions – as far as this is possible in this limited time window – calmly were answered.

A big thank you goes to the speaker and Bernhard Loser for the organization.

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