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Lemon squeeze: ChatGPT 570x more powerful, electric car and hidden costs

Summary this week: ChatGPT this ultra large and powerful AI model is about to upgrade to a new version… 570 times more powerful – we also offer you a list of alternatives to ChatGPT as an increasing number of truly compelling AI projects appear since 2022. But also the incredible story of a hedge fund that got rich dramatically with the collapse of financial markets, and finally the hidden costs to know before buy an electric car.

ChatGPT will become 570x powerful

ChatGPT, the cat doped with artificial intelligence designed by OpenIA may still be in beta: it is nevertheless already capable of generating data (text, code, etc.) with high added value, for free. However, the current version of ChatGPT is not the final product that OpenIA wants to launch. The GPT-4 version of the model is about to replace GPT-3, with a power multiplied by 570. The quality of the answers, the code, and the naturalness of the conversations should be significantly improved as a result. However OpenIA also plans to introduce a system of packages with more or less limited access to the functionalities of its artificial intelligence.

Impressed by ChatGPT? These 7 alternatives are also worth a detour

It has now been more than a decade since AI entered the marketing discourse of many tech manufacturers. However, until now it was most often algorithms that were quite limited in their capabilities. We can cite the example of the first AIs integrated into smartphones to recognize the different elements of an image and apply appropriate corrections to compensate for the limitations of photo sensors. But in recent years we have seen that technologies and projects around AI have made a considerable leap forward. AI can create images from scratch, “understand” a request, create convincing texts and images with a certain artistic sense… a few months before the launch of ChatGPT, several quite stunning projects have also been talked about. Of Midjourney at broadcast Passing by GitHub Copilotdiscover the alternatives to ChatGPT.

Getting rich on the back of the crisis? This hedge fund did it

Crises don’t just make losers, and the story of Contrarian Macro Fund illustrates this perfectly: the collapse of the financial markets following the crash stock market in 2022 allowed him to explode his returns, to 163%. And we can say that the firm was more than ready to reach this figure: the firm had seen for years a big correction coming, because of the effects of stimulus programs, and the massive increase in speculation. Our journalist Hadrien Augusto explains everything in this article.

10 hidden costs of electric cars

Pushing consumers to switch to an electric car is necessary to accelerate the reduction of human-made carbon emissions. And quite frankly, there is a before and an after buying an electric car – and people wanting to go back are rare. This does not prevent you from looking carefully, alongside the benefits of technology, at the few points that could cost you more money than you thought at the start.

That’s all for today. Find next week a new Lemon-pressed to stay connected to the news that should not be missed!

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