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Leslie Shaw after being linked to Tommy Mottola, Thalia’s husband: “Speak what you want”

Singer Leslie Shaw is in the eye of the storm after it was pointed out as the bone of contention between Thalia and her husband Tommy Mottola. As you remember, the Mexican singer and the businessman have had a solid relationship since 2000, and although it was often speculated that they were getting divorced, they always took it upon themselves to show that their romance was stronger than ever.

Leslie Shaw and Thalia they recorded a hit song in 2020, ‘I’m Single’. After this premiere, the words of affection between them were not surprising. However, this time, the Mexican press has put them in a different story.

The program ‘Love and Fire’ He went to the house of the Peruvian singer to make the respective consultation. In the advance you can see the artist quite annoyed. While she closes the door of her house, she is heard saying: “Oh, I’m not interested, let them talk what they want.”

The full meeting between the reporter and Leslie Shaw will be seen this Monday, February 6, starting at 1:50 p.m., on Willax TV. In addition, he will present an ampay, where a member of Esto es Guerra is seen in love with a beauty queen.

Faced with these rumors, Leslie Shaw did not respond directly. However, she shared a video that she posted to her fan club, where Thalia is heard flattering the also actress. “Leslie has been a charm, a love,” says the Mexican.

This clip was reposted by the blonde, who, far from deactivating comments, has allowed the public to comment and has even shared many of them in their stories.

This Friday, February 3, Magaly Medina surprised by indicating that, according to information from the Mexican press, Tommy Mottola I would have been unfaithful to Thalia with the Peruvian Leslie Shaw. It was even speculated that the couple would be facing a break for this alleged infidelity.

“He is known as a conquering man. The Leslie rumor has drawn attention because she is not the profile of a woman she has been looking for for years. Leslie and Thalía had a very close relationship,” Ernesto Buitrón, a Televisa journalist, commented to the entertainment program ‘Magaly TV, The Firm‘.

So far, Thalía has not spoken. She has only dedicated herself to promoting her upcoming presentations and YouTube publication, while Leslie Shaw has done her own, sharing her latest song called ‘Pisces’.

Leslie Shaw and her response when asked about Thalía and Tommy Mottola.

In Thalia’s last statement to the press, about Leslie Shaw; The Mexican singer only spoke wonders of the Peruvian, where she emphasized that she was a charming person.

“Leslie has been a charm, a love, working with artists helps you understand the world through their eyes, through their experiences. That’s why I really like these unions, these ties, one is inspired. The people who have worked with me keep something of mine, and I keep something of theirs. It’s like a feedback ”, were the statements she gave Thalia at that time.

Tommy Mottola, Thalia’s husband, is accused of having been unfaithful with Leslie Shaw. | Magaly TV: The firm.
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