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“Let’s Dance”: This reality star has danced out

handkerchief alarm at „Let’s Dance“.

Under the motto “Magic Moments”, the six celebrities and their professional partners conjured up great emotions on Friday evening. Some of the personal stories of the stars also brought tears to the eyes of the audience and the jury. In the end, however, it wasn’t enough for a duo.

Ex-Bachelorette Sharon Battiste (31) remembered a dark chapter on the show. She announced: “My ‘magic moment’ is that I won the fight against my illness.”

The TV star suffers from circular hair loss. In a single player, Sharon tearfully told how it felt: “These bald spots, which you keep finding, caused me to panic every day.” Dates with men were always an overcoming. Her greatest fear: “If he sees it and could be frightened or disgusted.”

In her season as Bachelorette, she made the disease public and has been self-confident with a bald head ever since. This is also the case with “Let’s Dance”. Sharon’s freestyle to Elvis Presley’s “Can’t Help Falling in Love” was rewarded with a standing ovation.

The jury awarded a proud 24 points. Battiste also received great praise from dance partner Christian Polanc (44). The professional was very moved: “We have gone through a very intensive journey. I really enjoy training with you.”

Sharon Battiste had to tremble for a long time. Dance partner Christian Polanc gave praise

Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

“Let’s Dance” joker Jens “Knossi” Knossala (36) provided very heartfelt scenes. The internet star danced for his mom that night. He owes her a lot in life. “I couldn’t have been so creative without knowing there was still my mother.”

During his performance, she sat on a chair and was very close. With dance partner Isabel Edvardsson (40), Knossi performed a freestyle of rumba, contemporary, Viennese waltz and slow fox.

After that, all the dams broke for the son. He sobbed again and again. Knossi completely out of character: “I have such respect for mothers. They’re just such powerful women. She does five washing machines a day.”

Things also got tight for “Knossi” with dance partner Isabel Edvardsson

Foto: Getty Images

The jury did not find much to complain about in his dance. Jorge González (55) praised: “You danced well again and showed another side of yourself.” And Joachim Llambi (58) said appreciatively: “You did a good job of dancing too.” 26 points.

So that evening every celebrity danced a personal story and talked about it. Former gymnast Philipp Boy (35) brought his Olympic end to the dance floor after falling from the horizontal bar in 2012. Mentalist Timon Krause (28) and professional Ekaterina Leonova (36) had rehearsed a choreography on the subject of depression, which he also suffered from for a long time.

But no matter how well the candidates performed – in the end, as in every show, Anna Ermakova (23) danced them to the wall. She cleared a full 30 points for her freestyle and provided the emotional highlight of the evening. In subsequent duels, the stars had to compete against each other this time. Anna and Sharon fought a battle that ended with full points for both.

Anna Ermakova again danced everyone on the wall

Foto: Getty Images

As always, the TV viewers had the last word by voting. Despite a very good performance, the ex-Bachelorette and Knossi had to tremble the longest. Finally it became clear: For one of the two, this evening is the end of the line.

The decision was made shortly before midnight: Sharon Battiste had danced out. This means that only five stars will be fighting for victory in the coming week.

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