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“Let’s Dance” viewers irritated by Joachim Llambi: “He kind of scares me”

Joachim Llambi has been known for his strict judgment for 17 years. In the latest issue, however, the “Let’s Dance” juror showed a different side.

Joachim Llambi has been a member of the “Let’s Dance” jury since the first season. From the beginning, the former stockbroker drew attention to himself with rather critical comments. While the jurors still found words of praise next to him, the now 58-year-old was always a little stricter.

“It kinda scares me”

Even 17 years after the first “Let’s Dance” episode, it’s not easy to convince the judges. In the latest issue, however, Joachim Llambi is particularly generous – not necessarily with compliments, but with points.

Joachim Llambi explained to GZSZ actress Chryssanthi Kavazi very lovingly what she could have done better with her Paso Doble. He also gave her seven points for her performance. Shortly thereafter, it was read on Twitter: “Llambi is so nice today, he kind of scares me.”

Chryssanthi Kavazi and Vadim Garbuzov danced a Paso Doble. (Source: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa)

After Chryssanthi Kavazi, it was TV chef Ali Güngörmüs’ turn. He also performed a Paso Doble, although it reminded some viewers more of a carnival session than a traditional Spanish dance.

“It’s like winning the lottery for me”

Nevertheless, there were six points from Joachim Llambi for the performance. Even the TV chef couldn’t believe it. “Wow, wow, wow”, Ali Güngörmüs cheered after the evaluation. “For the first time I get six points from Mr. Llambi, that’s like winning the lottery for me.”

Ali Güngörmüs and Christina Luft also danced a Paso Doble. (Source: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa)

Viewers on Twitter were confused. “What’s going on with Mr. Llambi?” Asked a user, for example. “Before Easter that would have been a maximum of four points…” Another user wrote: “Is Llambi sick? He gives six points for not dancing.” Also to read: “The low trowels were obviously stolen from the Llambi.”

With Jens “Knossi” Knossalla, the 58-year-old even went one step further. While Jorge González and Motsi Mabuse gave the internet star seven and eight points, Joachim Llambi rated his dance nine points.

Despite Joachim Llambi’s six points, Ali Güngörmüs “only” got 20 points from the jury, taking last place. As always, the viewers have the last word. But even they could not save the star chef from being thrown out. He was voted off the show in episode seven.

In addition to Ali Güngörmüs, Mimi Kraus also had to leave the show on Friday. Because no star was selected in the last show, two candidates flew out of the format this time. Now only seven celebrities are left in the running. Whoever wins “Let’s Dance” will be decided in the grand finale on May 19th.

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