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Let’s prepare a New Year’s Eve dinner for 4 people, 5 courses, spending 45 euros with fish!

Let’s prepare a New Year’s Eve dinner for 4 people –

Looking for some low cost ideas for New Year’s Eve dinner? Here is a complete menu for 4 people for less than 50 euros.

Let’s start with the appetizers one of earth and one of vegetables. Then a simple first course like le linguine with salmon and walnuts, a second course of fish and a pudding dessert.

Let’s prepare a low cost New Year’s Eve dinner: appetizers

The appetizers we’re going to make are simple but effective. First we will see the Belgian envy flowers filled with ricotta and gorgonzola cream.

The appetizers we’re going to make are simple but effective. – projections of stock exchange. it

Flowers of envy at 7.74 euros

We will need a pack of Belgian envy (2.5 euros for 500 g), a basket of cow ricotta (1 euro for 250 gr) and a slice of sweet gorgonzola (300 g for 2.99 euros. Plus White bread packaged (€1.25). We arrange in a pudding mold the leaves of envy in a circular way after searing them in a pan. They will take the shape of a flower. Inside of we will put a slice of sliced ​​bread. In the meantime, mix ricotta and gorgonzola. We pour over the bread inside the envy leaves. Let’s crumble some bread on top the cream cheese and we inform for 10 minutes at 180 °.

The second appetizer is even more spectacular. Let’s take the rest slices of bread, we flatten them with the rolling pin and brush them with the butter (100 g at 1.60 euros). We roll out some Prague ham slices (300 g at 4.5 euros) and roll up the slices of bread tightly. The we close in a square of film and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After that a cooled knife cut into slices 1.5 cm thick. We will have obtained spirals of bread loaf and Prague. We line a salad bowl with a sheet of plastic wrap and arrange our spirals all over the surface. Now let’s put in the mixer Ham Prague advanced, the leaves of a radish round (0.90 euros) and 250 g of ricotta cheese (1 euro). Let’s fix salt and we pour into the salad bowl lined with our spirals greedy. We put in the refrigerator for an hour.

Linguine with walnuts in cream and salmon for 9.9 euros

Cook the linguine in salted water (0.90 euros per 500 g). let’s say in the mixer 100 g of nuts (2.65 6 euros), 200 g of cream (1.10 euros) for the kitchen, salt and pepper. Cut the sliced ​​smoked salmon into strips (200 grams 5.20 euros). Drain the pasta and add the salmon and walnuts in cream.

Let’s cook the linguine in salted water

Swordfish with radicchio at 14.25

Let it thaw in the refrigerator i slices of frozen swordfish (500 g at 10.9 euros). We prepare in a pan fried with extra virgin olive oil, a clove of garlic chopped (0.90 euros) and some anchovy fillet (2,45 gr for 80 gr.). Cut the leftover radicchio leaves into strips. We put in a baking dish the swordfish with a drizzle of oil, alternating with radish and sprinkling with the fried. Let’s fix salt and pepper and we inform at 200° for 10 minutes.

For the dessert we mount 250 gr of mascarpone cheese (2.15 euros), 90 g of powdered sugar (60 cents) and 125 gr of liquid cream (1.8 euros). We pour into shot glasses and garnish with wedges of clementines (1.2 euros)

Let’s prepare a New Year’s Eve dinner for 4 people like this and we’ll save a lot.

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