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Let’s talk about surnames

Let's talk about surnames

The most recent communication hoax of the regime is to attack what they call “THE LAST NAMES”. It seems to be the revamped or repowered version of “THE SCUALIDS”.

The problem is that, by social convention, we all have surnames. There are very common surnames and others less common. Some are associated with great achievements, while others are linked to monstrous crimes. Millions of worthy, noble and hard-working people carry their surnames without boasting about the achievements of others or having to pay for crimes that are absolutely foreign to them.

Let’s take as an example two very common surnames in Venezuela: Rodriguez and gomez. Who doesn’t have a relative, a good friend, a good teacher or a doctor with those last names?

In national history, these two surnames are associated with both heroes and villains, as well as ordinary citizens who are an integral part of our sociocultural fabric. No one confuses one with another simply because they share last names. Each person has their name and nickname according to their actions. Therefore, openly denigrating one or the other is the task of perverts, manipulators and sociopaths.

It would be unfair, and also demonic, to condemn millions of people who bear those two surnames in particular due to the perverse use that the brothers Jorge Jesús and Delcy Eloina Rodríguez Gómez have made of them for so long.

The surname Maduro is less common, but the fact that Nicolás is a criminal against humanity does not at all affect those who, without any criminal record, and without blood relationship, share his surname. The same can be said of surnames like Gavidia, Flores, Cabello, Rondón, Padrino, López, Hernández, Lares, Dala, Ceballos, Ichaso, Granko, Saab etc.

The calamities that a socially resentful and mentally disturbed person named Chávez and Frías has caused are not the fault or legacy of all the Chávez or all the Frías. But what is clear is that Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías, CI # 4,258,228, originally from Sabaneta, Barinas State, was determined to implement hatred as a State policy. His political and criminal heirs have exploited this vile practice exponentially.

In these last 25 years, the surnames that have destroyed the country and forced 25% of the population to flee are well known. They all have their own names in front and behind them are identity cards and verified records that they insist on adding to daily.

For my part, I carry my surnames Burelli, Briceño, Rivas and Picón with honor and without more, or less, pride than most Venezuelans have for theirs. Obviously, I celebrate that those who gave me those surnames were worthy men and women, some of whom left a positive and visible mark on our history. I am sure that his actions were guided, among others, by that of honoring his ancestors and not embarrassing his descendants. As simple as that. So difficult to understand for these poor and trapped demons and demons that today shame all of Venezuela.

Source: By Pedro Mario Burelli Briceño

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