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Libido in women: What are the factors that decrease sexual desire?

Lack of interest in the other person, stress, low self-esteem or menopause are some of the factors that make libido or sexual desire in women decreases. And if this problem is not taken into account, probably the sexual life of both will be in ashes.

Dr. Deny Gamez Zeballos, a gynecologist at the San Juan Bautista Clinic, comments that the decrease in libido is seen mostly in people who have emotional problems as a couple. However, there is a group of women who are in the menopause stage and due to various changes in their body, their sexual desire decreases.

What is the libido in women?

The libido is the answer, the sexual desire that one has and is commanding several factors: psychological, hormonal and nervous. It is a response that is given much better when the woman is in good health.

What are the factors that decrease libido?

There are factors that can decrease libido in women: cancer, low self-esteem, relationship problems or even menopause (women have many changes in their body and prefer to avoid it).

Why can emotional problems influence the lack of libido so much?

This emotional factor can greatly influence the decrease in libido, since the woman who receives abuse from her partner or lack of attention, the only thing she will want is to avoid it.

If there are problems in the couple, sexual desire decreases. It is important to go to a specialist to help you save your relationship. Photo: Pexels.

Is there an age when there may be a drop in libido?

A lot has to do with the menopause stage, here problems can appear in sexual relations, due to vaginal dryness that causes pain in the sexual act, but today, there are gels, ovules and creams that are used to give moisture to the vagina.

Vaginal dryness causes pain during sexual intercourse and is a factor that influences women to decrease their sexual desire. Photo: Pinterest.

specialist guidance

The sexual appetite has a lot to do with the emotional factor.

When you love the person you will want to have a lasting sexual relationship.

Sexual desire lasts much longer in women than in men. Whatever the age, the woman can have sexual relations. If she receives the proper stimulation she will respond well.


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