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Life by You, new video gameplay: interactive dialogues, auto and third-person visuals

The Gameplay Reveal of Life by You has shown the great potential of this sim-life experience. After aver calamitato the attention of the patiti di gestionali in stile The Sims, the Paradox Tecnonic team enters the merit of the più originali aspects of this project by publishing the ingame clip.

Nelle scorse settimane, the direct software house Rod Humble (former director of Linden Lab/Second Life and of the Sims division of EA) has manifested his own intention to collaborate to make contact with i giocatori for far if Life by You veda approdare sulle propie sponde digitali il maggior numero possibile de creatori di contenuti , modder and independent artist.

I two video confezionati dal team Tecnonic illustrano tre dei so many aspects of the gameplay that we can freely modify through the tool of sviluppo promises of the team directto da Humble. Nel primo filmato possiamo osservare il sistema que consentirà ai giocatori di ‘impossessarsi’ dei singoli PNG e di impersonarli per compiere tutta a series of attività scegliendo l’inquadratura desiderata, dalla isometric camera similar to that in third person.

Always in the first video is described the system that will allow agli utenti di Guidare qualsiasi auto presente nel giocoalso who with the greatest freedom in the Celtic of the places to visit, of the person to find and of the incarichi to complete.

The second film focuses on the attention of the enthusiasts of video games sim-life with so many instruments that the Tecnonic team will put a lot of dispositions to create dialogi extremely realistic and ‘dynamic’with preimpostate phrases or writes his moment to generate credible rispostes and subsequent domande to multiply scelta.

The release of the Early Access version of Life by You, managed by The Sims, is planned for the September 12 your PC.

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