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Life is Strange 2 already has a release date on Nintendo Switch

In 2015 Square Enix launched a new franchise with the acclaimed life is strange and three years later we saw its sequel, Life of Strange 2. Last year we saw the arrival of the first title on Nintendo Switch and today Square Enix confirmed that they are ready to launch Life is Strange 2 on Nintendo’s hybrid console, well It already has a release date.

Early last year Square Enix released the Life is Strange: Remastered Collection on Xbox, PlayStation and PC, which includes both the first title and its expansion, Life is Strange: Before the Storm. However, Nintendo Switch players didn’t receive the game until September, so we’ve been waiting for news of its sequel ever since.

Today Square Enix confirmed that Life is Strange 2 goes on sale on February 2, 2023 in its Nintendo Switch version and it is now possible to pre-order it in its digital version from the Nintendo eShop. To accompany the announcement, Square Enix posted a trailer for Life is Strange 2 to give us an idea of ​​what to expect in the Nintendo Switch version.

The Life is Strange video games present us with narrative adventures in which our decisions affect the way the story unfolds, and in Life is Strange 2 the protagonists are a pair of brothers. In the sequel, the player takes the role of Sean Diaz, a teenager with a younger brother who begins to develop telekinetic powers, which in turn forces them to leave their home to run from the police.

Thanks to the version of Life is Strange 2 that will come to the Nintendo Switch we will be able to enjoy the story of the Diaz brothers from anywhere, as well as the first game with all its content. In addition, the most recent installment of the franchise is also available on Nintendo Switch, so if you like the original titles, don’t hesitate to try the new Life is Strange: True Colors.

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