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Lights Christmas market: Coypu "kill" Basking shark in Dortmund’s Fredenbaum

Animal tragedy at the fantastic lighted Christmas market in Dortmund’s Fredenbaum: Nutria rats have severely affected the basking shark.

Who exterminated the dinosaurs? “The damned coypu did it!” There is the team of Fantastic light Christmas market in Dortmund’s Fredenbaumpark secure. But why?

With a strong gust of wind on Thursday morning, the 15 meter long luminous shark torn from its anchorage. The imposing animal, one of the spectacle’s most popular photo subjects, toppled sideways, revealing the reason for the overthrow: Over 20 fat nutrias nested under the monster shark “Bruce”. “You have yourself in the substructure made of steel girders, pallets, wood, ropes, lashing straps and jute,” writes the store team in one Facebook post. “They also brought masses of wood and jute from our light rafts and built them into the substructure.” By building her Coypu Castle the substructure was complete unstable.

Actually, the frame should be bombproof – after all, the monster shark is Bruce 15 meters long and 5 meters high. This is a huge target for wind. And yet the glowing shark broke free. “Coypu kill 15 meter long monster shark!” the PLWM team continues with a wink.

In the past six weeks, the “nutria hordes” have not only thrown the entire substructure out of balance – also ropes and lashing straps be nibbled. In addition, when tipping over Tail, dorsal and lateral fins broken off.

“Bruce is badly injured and lying helpless in Lake Fredenbaum. Not coming until January 6th salvage diver and a truck crane. Bruce is then taken to a specialty vet clinic and patched back together.”

At the last market day (December 30th) must visitors of the Fantastic light Christmas market in the north of Dortmund without the luminous shark. A loss, of course – but the popular medieval market has even more to offer. And anyway: even lying on its side, the popular plastic shark is still an attraction, just unlit.

Because of the huge success, the team even extended the opening hours: In the end, the PLWM started at 1 p.m. instead of 3 p.m.

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