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Lilia Paredes arrived at the National Palace of Mexico to meet with AMLO

Lilia Paredes arrived at the National Palace to meet with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Video: The Universal

the former lady lilia paredes arrived this Thursday afternoon at the National Palace of Mexico to meet with the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO). In a video released by The universal, The moment in which the wife of Pedro Castillo, who has been an asylum seeker in that country since December, gets out of a car in complete silence and dressed in a black tailor is evident.

Paredes, investigated as a possible coordinator of an alleged criminal organization led by Castillo, made her entrance on Correo Mayor street and, according to preliminary information, would ask AMLO to intercede with the United Nations so that her spouse be restored to the Presidency.

Just a few days ago, AMLO pointed out that for him, Castillo remains the president of Peru, and he refused to recognize the government of Dina Boluarte, which he considered “spurious.”

“I do not want to hand over to a government that I consider spurious. I do not want to legitimize a coup d’etat, it is contrary to freedoms, human rights and it is anti-democratic,” said the Mexican leader during a morning conference.


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