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Linda Staaf’s media criticism: “I felt powerless”

When Linda Staaf, former head of intelligence for the police’s national operational department Noa, being interviewed by the media on Saturday, it is the first time she has spoken out since his passing.

“Felt powerless”

She is very critical of the media reporting in connection with the review of the top police management and her relationship with Löfving.

– I felt powerless. It felt like I was in a bad movie where I was framed for a crime I didn’t commit, says Linda Staaf.

She feels that some publications have portrayed her as a happiness seeker, and stripped her of both merit and dignity.

– The media’s reporting has been person-focused and unvarnished. All the facts that have come to light show that I have the right skills for my assignment, and both I and my managers are convinced of that.

But she does not want to comment further on her relationship with Mats Löfvning.

– There is still, quite obviously, a wrong image out there about the type of relationship we would have had. I realize there is not much I will be able to do about it.

Reported to several media

Linda Staaf has reported three publications, from Nyhetsmorgon, Svenska Dagbladet and SVT, to the Media Ombudsman.

During Saturday, the national police chief Anders Thornberg also speaks out, i Ekot’s Saturday interview. Among other things, he answers the criticism and why he decided to appoint an external investigation.

– The most important thing is to learn from what happened. That you find out what happened and that you work on issues such as work culture and work environment, says Thornberg.

It has been exactly two months since Mats Löfving was found dead in his homethe same day as the Police Authority’s special investigation was presented. During this period, SVT has sought Anders Thornberg for an interview, but was met with silence.

The police authority has reported Löfving’s death to the Work Environment Agency. It must be reported at the end of May.

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