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Line 149: assistance for victims of road accidents and their families

The hotline 149 option 2 is a free service for assistance to victims of road accidents and their families. It belongs to the National Road Safety Agency (ANSV)-a body of the Ministry of Transport- and seeks to cover the needs that may arise in the event of a road accident.

Road victims and their families can communicate 24 hours a day from anywhere in the country, where they will be assisted by a multidisciplinary team made up of social workers, psychologists and lawyers, among other professionals, prepared to guide and accompany victims after a traffic incident.

It is important to remark that this network works after the emergencyand that you should always contact 911 first.

What is the support provided by the network?

Psychological assistance: Immediate telephone containment and face-to-face psychological treatment.

Advice on social services: information on obtaining social benefits.

Coordination for medical assistance and rehabilitation: hospitalization, rehabilitation, approvals for prostheses, etc. for free.

Legal assistance: Immediate telephone advice and referral for face-to-face care.

Financial assistance: assistance for the family group when the person affected is the economic breadwinner of the household.

Free transfers and lodging: Medical transfer with national coverage including family members and their corresponding lodging. If necessary, the network also assists families in the transfer of coffins.

In calls received by the Line 149 during the month of March 70% of them were carried out by relatives of the victims and psychological care was the most requested assistance (38% of calls). 90% of the cases had an immediate resolution.

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