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Lingard follows up against United

Jesse Lingard released a small tip before the duel with his ex-club Manchester United on Tuesday evening (9 p.m.). The offensive man told the Daily Mail: “I received false promises.” To this day, the 30-year-old cannot explain the short playing time: “I trained hard and I was sharp, I was ready. I would have preferred it if someone had said to me: That’s why you don’t play.”

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Before moving to Nottingham, Lingard was loaned out to West Ham United for six months. He returned to Manchester with strong performances and a lot of self-confidence. Nonetheless, Ole’s midfielder became Gunnar Solskjaer and eventually Ralf Rangnick “sorted out”. On his return today, he would like to say goodbye to his youth club: “So this is a chance to say goodbye because I never really got that.”

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