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LinkedIn launches new tools to detect fake profiles

  • LinkedIn has more than 740 million users worldwide.

  • It was founded in December 2002 and launched the following year.

  • It is estimated that in 2021 the firm generated around 4 thousand 450 million dollars.

LinkedIn is the world’s largest social media platform for professionals and businesses. It currently has more than 740 million users worldwide and continues to grow every day. However, it is also a platform that can be used for fraudulent purposes, something that has been seen remarkably and because of that, there has been a need for greater security on the platform, recently announced that it will begin to verify user profiles in order to improve trust in the platform.

The platform has become a key platform for establishing business contacts and thus promoting personal branding, as well as reputation. online. It was founded in December 2002 and launched in May 2003, it is currently owned by Microsoft and is located in Sunnyvale, California, Ryan Roslansky is the current CEO.

As of March 2022, LinkedIn ranked as the leading social network used by prospective employees in the United States when looking for business, ranking above the top job search and company review platform Glassdoor.

According to Statista data, in 2021, there were approximately 774 million global LinkedIn users, and around 49 million of these users had accounts. premium. It is estimated that the firm generated around 4 thousand 450 million dollars in said year through subscribers premium.

LinkedIn against fake profiles

LinkedIn advertisement new security features to provide more tools when identifying the authenticity of an account. A research team called ESET analyzed them and came up with some guidelines for account protection: The first one is called “About this profile” and allows you to obtain more information about an account such as the date a profile was created, the date of the last update, if the phone number is verified or if the email associated with a LinkedIn account is from a company.

Another novelty is the announcement of a learning model based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), which we mentioned in Merca2.0, to identify profiles that use synthetic image generators through AI, since sometimes fake profiles on LinkedIn use this technology. to make the beads look lifelike, the company explained. This model promises to be more effective and will even be able to identify and eliminate fake accounts. before they get in touch with someone.

Finally, another tool that is integrated is about messages; People will be alerted when messages contain something suspicious that could breach security. In cases where someone may try to follow the conversation from another application; This is a recurring practice among criminals when carrying out scams.

“These new security features will be available soon and we hope they will be effective in reducing the chances of users becoming victims. Beyond these new tools, the key continues to be the awareness and education of users when using technology. Keeping your guard up while enjoying technology”, says Camilo Gutiérrez, head of the ESET Latin America Laboratory, told the Valora Analitik portal.

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