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Little pig, to pay pensions and works

Everything indicates that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is clear that pensions for the elderly and the completion of his iconic works require a growing volume of economic resources to continue distributing the money he grants to retirees and to the rest of the beneficiaries of social programs, and to continue the construction of the six-year infrastructure.

Publicly he has not said it or recognized it that way, specifically. However, his actions denote it. And the arguments to support his most recent initiatives make it clear.

The penultimate was the proposal to extinguish the Financiera Nacional de Desarrollo (FND).

The pretext is that it became an atrophied organ.

However, it became very clear that the FND atrophied during this six-year term and that in reality what it wants is to concentrate its resources so that the government can exercise them at its discretion.

Previously, we saw the extinction of 155 public trusts, with exactly the same argument.

And also with the same intention, to concentrate the resources in the federal government to use them discretionally.

In his latest reform initiative, published yesterday in the Parliamentary Gazette of the Chamber of Deputies, he proposes to merge or terminate 18 public institutions, including the Executive Secretariat of the National Anti-Corruption System, the Mining Fund Trust and even Inapam.

This, he says, to continue with the administrative transformation of the federal government, rationalize its structure, eliminate the dispersion of public resources and direct them to satisfy social needs and build the essential infrastructure for national development. He implicitly acknowledges that he needs resources to pay for the social programs and the infrastructure works that he builds.

Remember that the current government proposed to the Congress of the Union the constitutional recognition of the right to economic support for people with permanent disabilities, to a non-contributory pension for people over 68 years of age and scholarships for students of all school levels of the public education system.

The exercise of these rights –reveals the text– implies the planning of the activities of the State apparatus, the timely action of its bodies and the sufficient endowment of public resources.

On April 13, the Secretary of the Interior, Adán Augusto López Hernández, sent to the Chamber of Deputies the initiative with a draft decree –published yesterday in the Parliamentary Gazette– that proposes to merge or extinguish 18 public institutions.

The explanatory statement is a long argument against the “neoliberal” economic and administrative model, with which it intends to base the institutional dismantling.

In the end it is clear that it is a strategy to raise funds to pay for social programs and six-year pharaonic works.

The government is literally breaking the piggy bank to deal with the social commitments that it established and that have a growing cost, as well as its infrastructure works that record notable cost overruns. to time.


The experienced economist José Ángel Gurría wants to be president of Mexico.

Without a doubt, he is a man who has extensive and deep knowledge of the economy, particularly that of Mexico.

He was Secretary of the Treasury and held many other positions, including Secretary of Foreign Relations.

He aspires to become a candidate for the Alianza Va por México and is already a citizen candidate.

He proposes a coalition of the PAN, PRD, PRI and MC parties.

He says that it is the only way to win the next legislature, the governorships at stake, Mexico City and the Presidency of the Republic, in 2024.

A partisan coalition, he says, is a powerful antidote to occurrences, arbitrariness, sudden intuitions and wasteful decisions.

The next government, the one that I aspire to lead – he underlines – is going to be one of the most ungrateful in history; he will have to dedicate himself full time to rebuilding the economy, but also the social, environmental, youth, women, national and foreign businessmen, institutions, trust.

But afterwards it can offer hope and a higher level of well-being.

Gurría offers reconstruction and hope. Let’s see.

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