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LIVE – Jean-Luc Mélenchon calls for "discuss" with Russia to end the war in Ukraine

Pension reform: Jean-Luc Mélenchon denounces the “authoritarian behavior” of Emmanuel Macron

Jean-Luc Mélenchon denounced the “authoritarian behavior” of Emmanuel Macron with the pension reform

“I find that he has an authoritarian behavior […] he decides to use one of the most violent procedures of the Fifth Republic: article 47.1″, declared the leader of the rebellious, castigating a “swindle”.

Hardship at work: Mélenchon pleads for “negotiation by branch”

Jean-Luc Mélenchon pleaded for a “negotiation by branch” of the criteria of hardship at work.

“The balance of power is better and in the branch you can compare different workstations,” said Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Pension financing system: Jean-Luc Mélenchon affirms that “the deficit does not exist”

“The deficit does not exist, it only exists under certain accounting conditions and it is aggravated by a certain balance of power between social categories”, declared the leader of the rebellious on BFMTV.

“In the year 2030, all the surveys say that the general social security system, all branches combined, will be in excess,” said Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

“The subject is grotesque”: Jean-Luc Mélenchon defends Thomas Portes who poses with a ball bearing the image of Olivier Dussopt

The rebellious MP Thomas Portes published a photo of him with one foot resting on a football bearing the image of Olivier Dussopt, Minister of Labour. A publication that caused a wave of hostility in the ranks of the majority.

“It is a very big crime which must be immediately punished”, ironically Jean-Luc Mélenchon this evening on BFMTV, evoking a “grotesque subject”.

“This represents 222 years of student meals at 1 euro”: Mélenchon reacts to the record profits of TotalEnergies

The TotalEnergies group posted record profits of $19.5 billion in 2022.

“This represents 3 years of free canteen for primary school children in France, 222 years of student meals at 1 euro”, declared the founder of France insoumise. “If it still belonged to the French, this money would be available and could enable us to make up here and there for deficits”.

War in Ukraine: Mélenchon calls for “discussing” with Russia

“Mr. Putin must be brought back to the table where we start to discuss”. Jean-Luc Mélenchon calls for “discussing” with Russia to find a way out of the war in Ukraine.

“We cannot accept that Ukraine loses”: Mélenchon calls for “the war to stop”

Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukrainian President, ends his trip to Europe where he called for more military means against Russia. Asked about this question, the leader of the rebels refused to answer the question of sending planes to Ukraine.

“The war must stop and we cannot allow Ukraine to lose,” declared Jean-Luc Mélenchon on BFMTV, calling on France to “prepare the conditions for peace”.

Mobilization against pension reform: Mélenchon evokes “a great moment in the social history of the country”

“It is a great moment in the social history of the country”. Jean-Luc Mélenchon had a first word at the start of the program on BFMTV to discuss the protest movement against the pension reform: “the greatest social mobilization in this country for half a century”.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon is “Facing BFM”

Jean-Luc Mélenchon is immediately the exceptional guest of “Face à BFM”.

Pensions: Jean-Luc Mélenchon calls on Emmanuel Macron to “become reasonable”

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, present Tuesday at the Parisian demonstration against the pension reform, had called on the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron to “become reasonable” by renouncing the bill.

The leader of the rebellious will return in detail this evening on BFMTV on his opposition to the text currently under debate in the National Assembly.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon “facing BFM” special retreats at 8:50 p.m.

The founder of insubordinate France will answer questions from our journalists this evening. Pension reform, mobilization of unions, debates in the National Assembly… He will be questioned on the economic, social but also political and international news of recent weeks.

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