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LIVE – Pensions: the executive is looking for a way out of the crisis, Borne wants to “accelerate” the reforms

Elisabeth Borne wants to “accelerate” the reforms after that of pensions

“We are determined to accelerate” the reforms after that of pensions, assured Elisabeth Borne during a speech delivered before the National Council of the Renaissance party, Saturday in Paris.

“We want to build a France of full employment”, “guarantee equal opportunities”, “act” for health and even education, hammered the Prime Minister.

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Unions outraged by rapid enactment of law

The rapid publication of the reform, while the inter-union united for three months of protest “had asked” solemnly “to the president” not to promulgate the law “, is “totally shameful”, denounced Saturday the general secretary of the CGT , Sophie Binet, on France info.

“The contempt returned to the workers will have been constant. But their dignity in the street is stronger”, reacted on Twitter his counterpart at the CFDT Laurent Berger, for whom “democratic wisdom demanded” to wait.

Hello everyone

Hello everyone, and welcome to this live dedicated to political news marked by the enactment of the law on pension reform on Friday.

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