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LIVE – Pierre Palmade: decision this Friday on whether or not to place the actor in pre-trial detention

Child pornography images: a relative of Pierre Palmade in police custody

A person was placed in police custody on Thursday as part of the investigation opened for possession of child pornography images targeting Pierre Palmade. This custody is likely to be extended.

According to our information, the person in custody appears on the video sent to investigators by the man heard in Bordeaux on Tuesday.

>> Our article can be read here.

The family of the victims “hopes for his placement in pre-trial detention”

The decision of the Paris Court of Appeal is eagerly awaited by the families of the victims who were mowed down in the violent road accident caused on February 10 by Pierre Palmade.

“Of course, we hope for the placement of Pierre Palmade in pre-trial detention because he was not allowed to drive with cocaine”, explains the family to BFMTV.

>> Our article can be found here.

The Paris Court of Appeal rules this Friday on the house arrest of Pierre Palmade

The Paris Court of Appeal rules this Friday on the house arrest, challenged by the prosecution, of Pierre Palmade, indicted for “homicide and involuntary injuries” after the serious accident he caused under the influence cocaine.

Last week, the judge of freedoms and detention of the judicial court of Melun decided to place the 54-year-old comedian under house arrest. Since then, he has been on an electronic bracelet in the addiction service of a hospital in the Paris region.

The public prosecutor’s office, which had requested pre-trial detention, appealed. The hearing before the investigating chamber of the Paris Court of Appeal will begin at 9 a.m.

>> Our full article can be read here.

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