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LIVE – Teacher killed in Saint-Jean-de-Luz: Pap Ndiaye goes there

Gérard Larcher says he is “seized by the violence of the death” of the teacher

The President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher (LR), says he is “seized by the violence of the death” of the teacher who was fatally stabbed in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques.

“My thoughts go out to his family, loved ones, teaching teams and students who witnessed this tragedy,” he added in a tweet.

“Dread” and “infinite sadness” by Mathilde Panot and Fabien Roussel

On the left too, the political reactions continue. The president of the LFI group in the National Assembly Mathilde Panot thus expresses her “terror at the tragedy that occurred at the Saint-Jean-de-Luz high school” and offers her condolences “to the family of this teacher, to her loved ones as well only to his students.

The deputy and national secretary of the PCF Fabien Roussel mention as for him his “infinite sadness” and addresses his “thoughts” to the whole of the educational community.

David Lisnard judges that “the violence that plagues our society no longer knows any borders”

Drawing a parallel with the terrorist attack that killed Samuel Paty, the president of the association of mayors of France, David Lisnard wrote in a tweet that “it is clear, pending the ‘motivations’ of the murderer, that the violence that plagues our society no longer knows any borders”.

“The state must protect our teachers,” he adds.

The reasons for the student’s action are not yet known.

“The whole of France is in mourning”: Yaël Braun-Pivet addresses his “sincere thoughts” to the relatives of the deceased teacher

The President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, wrote in a tweet: “After the appalling tragedy that occurred in Saint-Jean-de-Luz this morning, the whole of France is in mourning”.

“I send my sincere thoughts to the family of the deceased teacher, to her loved ones, to her colleagues and to the students of the high school”, adds the deputy of the majority.

What we know about the events of this Wednesday in Saint-Jean-de-Luz

A Spanish teacher, teaching at the Saint-Thomas d’Aquin high school in Saint-Jean-de-Luz, was fatally stabbed by a student on Wednesday morning. The latter was arrested.

>> We summarize here what we already know about these events.

Students return home after being confined for two hours

At midday, the students gradually left the establishment after being confined for about two hours in their respective classrooms and found their parents behind the gates of this downtown establishment of around 1,100 students, noted a AFP correspondent.

The Ministry of National Education also told BFMTV that the students who could were going home.

Only the parents of pupils of the class concerned were able to enter the school premises.

The teenager had a knife with a blade of about 10 centimeters

The facts took place around 10 a.m. during a Spanish class in a second class. A student took out a knife with a blade of about 10 centimeters, closed the door of the room and stabbed the teacher’s sternum, BFMTV learned from a police source.

He left the classroom with the weapon to take refuge in the next room, in a calm state. The young man would have indicated that a voice had asked him to commit these acts.

Eric Ciotti believes it is “urgent” to review the graduation of minors’ sentences

Eric Ciotti sends his “thoughts” to the family of the teacher stabbed to death in Saint-Jean-de-Luz. “Our Black Republic Hussars are on the front line against the enslavement of society,” he added in a tweet.

The President of the Republicans believes that “it is urgent to review the graduation of sentences for minors”.

The facts took place in the classroom

The teacher was stabbed in the classroom, BFMTV learned from concordant sources. It was a Spanish teacher from the private Saint-Thomas-d’Aquin establishment.

The judicial police of Bordeaux seized

The teenager suspected of having stabbed the deceased teacher was arrested and transported to the Saint-Jean-de-Luz police station. The Bordeaux judicial police were seized.

“The horror and the shock”: the political reactions follow each other

The reactions of political figures follow one another after the death of a teacher stabbed by a student in Saint-Jean-de-Luz.

“The tragedy that occurred in Saint-Jean-de-Luz affects us all. I bow to the pain of the relatives of this teacher whose disappearance mourns the entire educational community of our country”, declares on Twitter the general secretary of Renaissance, Stéphane Séjourné.

“The horror and the shock… the whole country is shocked by this crime. Affection and solidarity with the family and colleagues of this despicably murdered teacher. All the light must be shed by the police and justice as soon as possible” , wrote LFI deputy Alexis Corbière on Twitter.

“My thoughts go out to the loved ones of this teacher and beyond to the national education staff facing increasingly difficult working conditions”, also says EELV deputy Sandrine Rousseau.

Pap Ndiaye expresses “tremendous emotion” after the death of the stabbed teacher

The Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiaye, expressed on Wednesday “tremendous emotion following the death today of a teacher at Saint-Thomas-d’Aquin high school in Saint-Jean-de-Luz”.

“My thoughts for his family, his colleagues and his students. I will go there without delay,” he adds.

Olivier Véran announces that the government is providing “support” to the educational community

Olivier Véran, announces that the government is providing “support” to the educational community “as a whole”, after the death of a teacher stabbed by a student in Saint-Jean-de-Luz.

“I can hardly imagine the trauma that this can represent, locally and more generally on a national scale”, added the government spokesperson, confirming that Pap Ndiaye must go there “during the day”.

Pap Ndiaye goes there

The Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiaye, is on his way to Saint-Jean-de-Luz, after the death of a teacher stabbed by a student, according to information from BFMTV.

A student was arrested

The student suspected of stabbing his Spanish teacher has been arrested, firefighters said. 16 years old, he is in second class and is unknown to the police. According to the first elements indicated to BFMTV, he would suffer from psychiatric disorders.

The police, the prefect of the department, the prosecutor of Bayonne and the rector of the academy go on the spot, according to a press release from the prefecture.

The facts occurred at Saint Thomas d’Aquin high school, in Saint-Jean-de-Luz. © BFM TV

A teacher fatally stabbed in Saint-Jean-de-Luz

A teacher from a private establishment in Saint-Jean-de-Luz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) died after being fatally stabbed by a student on Wednesday morning.

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