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Liver cancer: these are the symptoms you should know to detect it in time

Liver cancer: these are the symptoms you should know to detect it in time

(Read: Prostate cancer: its early symptoms and the importance of its timely diagnosis).

identify the cancer time is crucial to treat the disease. For this reason, we tell you what the symptoms are to detect it and start with the respective treatment.

(Read also: Liver cancer: seven healthy habits to prevent its appearance).

The functions that this organ fulfills are extremely important for the functioning of the body, therefore, “you can’t live with a failing liver. If the liver fails, the doctor may place you on a waiting list for a liver transplant,” according to Medline Plus.

The US National Cancer Institute (NCI) shared a list of symptoms.

According to the US National Cancer Institute (NCI), the official site of the United States Government, common symptoms are:

  1. Mass or hard lump on the right side under the ribs.
  2. Discomfort in the upper right part of the abdomen.
  3. Swelling of the abdomen.
  4. Pain around the right scapula or in the back.
  5. Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes).
  6. Bruising or bleeding that appears easily.
  7. Unusual tiredness and weakness.
  8. Nausea and vomiting.
  9. Loss of appetite or feeling full after eating small meals.
  10. Weight loss for unknown reasons.
  11. White, plaster-like stools and dark urine.
  12. Fever.

See your doctor if you have bloating and abdominal pain in the upper right part of your stomach.

When abnormal tissue or cancer is found early, it may be easier to treat

“Detection is the search for a cancer before the person presents any symptoms. This may help find the cancer at an early stage (stage). When abnormal tissue or cancer is found early, it may be easier to treat,” according to the US National Cancer Institute.

What is cancer? Testimonials from doctors and patientsThis disease continues to be one of the leading causes of death in the world.

What is cancer? Patient Testimonials

The disease can be treated with surgery, a liver transplant, ablation therapy, embolization therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy, and clinical trials.

According to the aforementioned portal, Surgery may remove the part of the liver with cancer.

In ablation therapy, tissue is removed or destroyed. There are different types: radiofrequency ablation, microwave therapy, percutaneous ethanol injection, cryoablation, and electroporation therapy.

Immunotherapy is used to strengthen the immune system and fight disease.

“Targeted therapy is a type of treatment in which drugs or other substances are used to identify and attack specific cancer cells,” the portal details.

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