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Liz Baffoe: “Lindenstrasse” star travels to Ghana with a sick mom

Cologne/Accra – It was probably the last big trip she could take with her mother. All the more enjoyed actress Liz Baffoe (53, “ Lindenstrasse“) the time with Mama Elizabeth (93).

The mother-daughter team now flew home together in Ghana: a great wish of the elderly woman with dementia – after all, most of the family lives in Africa.

“We haven’t seen any of them for nine years and had to keep putting off the trip,” says Liz Baffoe, who grew up with seven siblings and as the daughter of a diplomat in Bad Godesberg near Bonn. Most recently, the corona pandemic thwarted the plans.

But now the time had finally come: mother and daughter flew around nine hours via Istanbul to Accra, the capital of Ghana, where Liz’s eldest brother Anthony (57) lives.

Exhausted from the trip but overjoyed: Elizabeth Baffoe is picked up by her son Anthony at the airport

Photo: Private

“The trip was very exhausting for my mother, she was definitely the oldest passenger on the plane. But when you’re looking forward to something, you have a completely different energy,” says Liz, who has been caring for her mother for a few years and also did the packing.

At the airport, the two were welcomed by Anthony, who had organized a nurse for his mother who was in need of care. “It was so nice. My mother was so happy to see everyone again. Especially her grandchildren and her four sisters.”

The family is reunited: Liz Baffoe (top left), next to her niece Angelina, sister Joyce (top right), below is friend Nana with Liz’s nephew Andy

Photo: Private

For four weeks the Baffoe family enjoyed the African sun, made trips to the sea and the local market, visited art centers and a cocoa plantation. The highlight of the trip: Liz’s cousin’s 70th birthday with a big party.

The actress to BILD: “The time has flown by. My mother is doing so well that she decided to stay longer and I flew back to Germany alone because I had to work.”

Liz Baffoe recharged her batteries on the coast

Photo: Private

The actress is planning another trip to Ghana in October – also for research purposes on a book she is currently working on, as she reveals to BILD …

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