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Local climate change: the federal government offers money for the adaptation process

Climate change is a global challenge. It will be dealt with on site. Environment Minister Lemke wants to help the municipalities with money.

Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke (Greens) has given the municipalities Help announced in the adaptation to climate change. “Municipalities are missing one today reliable financing for their climate adaptation,” Lemke told our editorial team.

In order to effectively protect people in Germany from the consequences of the climate crisis, the stage of “temporary model projects” must end. “Therefore, we are discussing with the environment ministers of the federal states how permanent joint funding of climate adaptation by the federal and state governments can look like.”

Climate change: Local authorities must take countermeasures

Lemke also announced: “I want to put climate adaptation in Germany on a completely new footing.” To this end, her ministry will be introducing the Climate Adaptation Act in the next few weeks measurable goals develop,” said the Green politician.

“Municipalities need to know what to expect and what climate adaptation is right for them,” added Lemke. The Federal Environment Ministry has therefore set up a center for climate adaptation and is promoting the use of local climate adaptation managers. “They take a very close look at what the specific needs on site are and are doing important conceptual work in order to systematically tackle the urgent measures on site.”

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