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Local closure regime that sold food to opposition leader

Local closure regime that sold food to opposition leader

CARACAS.- A small restaurant located on a road in the western plains of Venezuela was closed this Wednesday by the authorities, after the opposition leader Maria Corina Machado stopped on her way to Apure state and bought breakfast for herself and her team members.

“They are closing our business because Maria Corina Machado and he stopped by and bought us 14 breakfasts, thank God. The SENIAT is closing our business. We are working women who sell two meals a day and they are closing our business. The only restaurant they are closing for us is here. There are three restaurants, there are bakeries, there are liquor stores, there are wineries that don’t have the papers either and here they are closing the restaurant,” one of the local workers denounced in a video.

During their way to Apure from Guárico, Machado’s caravan stopped at the small business to buy breakfast, as the opposition member recalled that on a previous tour of the same region, they stopped at that place and ate a “divine breakfast.” Machado herself got out of the vehicle to greet the local workers.

“We were talking about you just now. I told my sister: look at those cars, could María Corina be there? How exciting!” said one of the women in charge of the restaurant.

After the video of the moment went viral on social media, agents from the National Integrated Customs and Tax Administration Service (Seniat) arrived at the restaurant and closed it, citing administrative irregularities.

He Nicolás Maduro regime continues its attempts to sabotage the opposition’s activities ahead of the presidential elections on July 28.

He previously acted against businesses that provided services to Machado during his tours through Venezuela. At the beginning of May, two hotels where Machado stayed during a visit to the western region of Venezuela were closed; one was the Hotal Urumaco, located in the city of Coro, capital of the state of Falcón, and the other, the Hotel El Paso, located in Maracaibo, capital of the state of Zulia.

Furthermore, a few days later, in mid-May, the Hotel El Recreo, in the city of La Victoria, where Machado and the unitary candidate Edmundo González Urrutia planned to stay, was closed.

“They are going to lack those papers to close the homes of all the Victorians who are going to receive the next President of the Republic. We are going to win,” responded activist Carlos Daniel Zapata in a social media message.


Source: With information from Infobae

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