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LOL who laughs, comes out: have candidates cheated? Here’s how the production does everything to stop them

She was eagerly awaited. Season 3 of LOL who laughs, comes out saw its first four episodes uploaded to Prime Video on March 10, 2023. The opportunity for fans to discover the breathtaking new cast. But do the stars cheat during the show?

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Pierre Niney, Leïla Bekhti, Géraldine Nakache, Virginie Efira, Adèle Exarchopoulos, Jonathan Cohen, Gad Elmaleh… The cast of LOL who laughs, comes out 3 broadcast on Prime Video is outstanding. Since March 10, fans and those who want to experience this amazing format can watch the first four episodes on the Prime Video streaming platform. Guest of Guillaume Genton in The Morning Without Filter on Europe 2, Philippe Lacheau, who hosts the season, made some revelations about the progress of the program. And one thing is certain, no one cheats: “No, there is no cheating”, he replied when Fabien Delettres, columnist for the morning, asked him if they were sometimes tempted to start all over again if one of the big stars laughs too quickly. And the actor-director adds: “Already, from the moment we start the signal, the show is never stopped. That means that sometimes it can last 6 hours or 10 hours. That’s why it’s a real groundwork, because after a while you forget you’re in a game, so there can be a laugh.”

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LOL who laughs, comes out a fashionable reality TV setting

The technical device put in place to film this game is quite exceptional. As reported TV Magazine, great means were used for the filming. Shot in a set built for the occasion, the latter would look like what Endemol could produce with Loft Story or Secret Story. Philippe Lacheau confirmed the info: “It’s very impressive, you have the impression of being at NASA. You have about fifty cameras which turn without stopping between six to ten hours and a considerable work of post-production to build the episodes.”

LOL who laughs, comes outcheck everything

And because you absolutely have to be vigilant and on all fronts with a game of this style, one person per candidate in management takes care of scrutinizing the various cameras to assist Philippe Lacheau. “I can’t see everything, there are too many things happening at the same time”, explained the latter. If he is reassured that letting a laugh out is more complicated with such a device, the director of Babysitting is not sure of its total reliability: “It’s always possible (to miss a laugh, editor’s note) but everything is done so that it does not happen. Like VAR for a football match, we are supposed to see everything.” The other three episodes will be available on the platform this Friday, March 17.

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