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Look, Paty Chapoy, they want to arrest you and this is the gossip

Bring the popcorn, sit on the couch and cross your legs because there is little gossip about Paty Chapoy. It turns out that there would be an arrest warrant against the famous driver of Ventaneando and she requested an amparo so that she is not detained for the moment.

What do we know so far? Let’s go in parts.

Photo: Special

They want to stop Paty Chapoy

What you know so far is that you probably hThere is an arrest warrant against Paty Chapoy, the host of Ventaneando who has been involved in several controversies. One of the last is related to the singer Yuridia for certain fat-phobic comments.

We don’t really know if that order exists or not, although some means affirm that the arrest warrant for 36 hours was released by a control judge of the Superior Court of Justice of Mexico City (TSJCM).

So far, the cause for which they would seek to arrest her has not been revealed, what we do know is that Paty Chapoy She filed an amparo lawsuit to avoid being arrested and they already gave her the provisional suspension.

In other words, if the arrest warrant exists, for the moment they cannot detain it while the amparo trial is resolved and the judge in the case determines whether to grant the definitive suspension.

Photo: Darkroom

The journalist Arturo Ángel explains that it will be on March 27 when it will be defined whether the definitive suspension is granted or not. The thing is that the data in the amparo file They do not say what the crime is that they would be imputing to the driver or if that order exists.

In other words, the driver affirms that the judicial authority did not notify her in a timely manner that there was an arrest warrant against her. That is why the provisional suspension is granted so as not to violate their rights.

I’m Gabriela Espinosa, but call me Gaby, if I don’t feel like you’re scolding me. I have been working as a reporter and editor at since 2018 and since then I have focused mostly on hard news. In December… More by Gabriela Espinosa

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