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Looking for something to watch on Netflix? Here are 3 tips that are different from the usual

What to see on

When the choice is vast, the risk is that it takes a little too much time to understand what would be better to see. Relying on some advice can be useful to overcome what, in some ways, is a pleasant embarrassment. A situation that could repeat itself when it comes to selecting something to watch on Netflix where the catalog is particularly large. So here are 3 ideas that could be very useful.

When it’s cold, the number of people who wonder increases what to watch on Netflix. This is because the need to find sources of entertainment for evenings spent at home sheltering from the cold temperatures is also growing. Therefore, it happens that even the less experienced of these platforms go on the hunt for titles that can satisfy their taste.

Looking for something to watch on Netflix? Not just movies and TV series

However, they are also that type of user who tends not to consider the hypothesis of benefiting from contents different from the usual ones. In the sense that they are not no movies, no TV series.
Netflix, in its extensive catalog offers a wide selection of documentaries. Anyone wishing to see some of them could, for example, consider the hypothesis of follow these 3 tips.

Art, sport and nature: here are the 3 suggestions

Who is passionate about art, but not only that, it could be conquered by a documentary about the life of Vincent Van Gogh. It lasts 53 minutes and is in French, but for those who don’t speak it, subtitles can be set in Italian. It will be a real immersion in the artistic and life experience of one of the most celebrated artists in the history of humanity. To see it, just search for “The greatest painters of the World – Vincent Van Googh”.
If we talk about genius and talent one cannot consider for these items to a sports legend. His name is Edson Arantes do Nascimento, but he has taken his place in football history simply as Pele. Four letters that make this man an icon that goes beyond the sporting arena, in which it has become something so big that it is difficult to explain.
Football lovers and not only will have great interest in seeing “Pelé: the king of football”. The documentary tries to tell the story of a legendary figure. For Brazil and probably for the rest of the world. It lasts an hour and 48.
Who, on the other hand, had a penchant for nature and landscapes could point to a miniseries. Her name is “The National Parks of the World”. It will be hard not to be won over by truly spectacular natural sceneries. Among the details to underline is the fact that the narrative voice it is that of the former president of the United States Barack Obama.

The choice remains wide

Those indicated are three ideas that could help those looking for something to watch on Netflix. There is no shortage of alternatives. Whether you are looking for movies, but also for TV series.

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