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Loose Women’s Brenda Edwards says her late son Jamal visits her as a fox after tragic death

Cowardly Brenda Edwards claims her deceased son has been visiting her as a fox since his tragic death.

Music entrepreneur Jamal died of a heart attack after taking cocaine and drinking alcohol in February 2021.

Brenda Edwards with her son Jamal

The grieving mum says she still feels his presence[/caption]

Since then, his mother, a television presenter, says the 31-year-old reveals his presence in the form of an animal.

Jamal had loved foxes since he was 15 when he filmed them in the back garden.

“He’s around me all the time — I can feel it,” Brenda said.

“I have foxes that come up to me and sit like a dog and wait for me to pet them.

“I don’t see foxes anywhere, then when I finished my panto and went back to my apartment there was a fox sitting outside waiting patiently for me.”

According to the Daily Star, Brenda is coping with her grief by holding on to her Christian faith.

She thinks she will find Jamal and her parents, who died when she was four.

Brenda clings to her Christian faith that she will be reunited with Jamal and her parents after death.

She added: “It keeps me going and helps me get through the day. I’m here to spread joy, love and laughter.

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