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Lorenzo is a fake, says AMLO

Antonio Baranda and Claudia Guerrero/Agencia Reforma

Monday, January 30, 2023 | 10:13

Mexico City.- President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that Lorenzo Córdova, president of the INE, is a fraud without principles and without ideals.

The federal president thundered in the morning against the head of the electoral authority and called him a racist.

“He is a public servant, from my point of view without principles, without ideals, a fake. He is certainly not the worst of all that group, there are other worse ones. I am very sorry because I met his father, we were friends , colleagues, an exceptional, extraordinary man, but that is what sometimes happens with children, grandchildren,” AMLO said.

“He has no ideals, he has no principles and he also shows that no, the degrees, the titles, are synonymous with culture, because he has a doctorate and is a racist like many others, there is also something very important about that in the networks, As we have always maintained, academic level should not be confused with culture. There are people with doctorates, post-docs, scientists, very ignorant, very ignorant”.

Yesterday, the president of the INE indicated that citizen apathy is the fertile ground in which authoritarianisms germinate.

“Democracy is cared for and preserved or it runs out, democratization must be understood under a logic of collective construction, it is not a gift, but a conquest. No rights have been given away, all are the result of a struggle to obtain them, to exercise and preserve them.

“If democratization is the result of a commitment by many and many, then its defense is also collective. In this sense, citizen apathy or indolence is the fertile ground in which authoritarianisms germinate and with them democratic regressions,” he said. Córdova during the presentation of the book “La democracia no se toca”, which he wrote together with the counselor Ciro Murayama.

This morning, López Obrador stated that the conservative group to which he belongs gave bad advice.

“It’s a whole group, to which he belongs, and this was what led him astray. How is it said? They gave him bad advice, it’s my perception and I don’t hate anyone, I’m sorry, I’m sorry for your situation and that he does not go around saying that it is for other things, no, that he does not fall into complacency and that he is able to rectify, it will help him a lot,” added the President.

“The INE has been taken over by the conservatives for a long time, by the conservative bloc, we won despite them. That’s why when they say ‘Plan B’, if the Court, which is even possible, rejected the electoral law, the The truth, the truth, nothing would happen, it would be one more speck on the tiger”.

What did Córdova say about authoritarianism?

The president of the INE, Lorenzo Córdova, affirmed yesterday that citizen apathy is the fertile ground in which authoritarianisms and democratic regressions germinate.

The defense of democracy in the country, he said, is the responsibility of political parties and electoral authorities, but especially of the citizens, whom he called on to take action to guarantee their right to vote and reject the so-called electoral “Plan B”.

In what is described as a serious impact on democracy, the electoral reform of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador contemplates the merger of INE directorates and the disappearance of the 300 district boards under the conditions that operate today.

“Democracy is cared for and preserved or it runs out, democratization must be understood under a logic of collective construction, it is not a gift, but a conquest. No rights have been given away, all are the result of a struggle to obtain them, to exercise and preserve them.

“If democratization is the result of a commitment by many and many, then its defense is also collective. In this sense, citizen apathy or indolence is the fertile ground in which authoritarianisms germinate and with them democratic regressions,” he insisted. Cordova.

During the presentation of the book “La democracia no se toca”, which Córdova wrote together with the councilor Ciro Murayama, both the authors and the former electoral councilors Jacqueline Peschard and José Woldenberg, who were invited to comment on it, presented the risks that carries the electoral “Plan B”.

The president of the INE even called on citizens to take legal action against this reform, of which only two of the six laws that comprise it have been published.

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