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Los Hornos: a day to celebrate history and development

A welcome, at the classic intersection of 60 and 131 / the day

With music, tributes and a lot of space for emotion, starting this morning Los Hornos will live the great party of its history, its present and the best expectations for the future that arise in the context of the 140th anniversary.

As reported by the organizing team of the festivities, with a strong local institutional presence, different artists will perform, with music and entertainment to enjoy the afternoon.

From the Council of Institutions of Los Hornos (CILOH), it was detailed that the activity is divided into two blocks. In the morning, at 9:30 a.m., the traditional hoisting of the flag is scheduled, on mast 137 (between 61 and 62). Then, there will be a mass in the church of San Benjamin (57 and 140). At the same time, in this context, a floral offering will be made at the tomb of Father Stolfi, considered one of the “engines” of what is today Los Hornos, a thriving town, with commercial, productive development and its institutions with a profile hallmark in the city.

After this ceremony, the activity is expected to be transferred to the Cultural Center (137 and 64), where the inauguration of a kiln will take place in commemoration of Dardo Valentini, a historic promoter and brickmaker of Los Hornos.

Then, at 5:00 p.m., 137 Avenue, the nerve center of the town, will be transformed into a pedestrian area and will be used as a gastronomy space with “Food Trucks”, traditional displays, groups, entertainment for children, clowns and singers.

The leadership of Los Hornos has been working for weeks on planning the activities. The town, today with around one hundred thousand inhabitants, is looking for a great neighborhood meeting and reception for the Region.

Germán Valentini, grandson of the remembered -and honored in these acts- Dardo Valentini, remembered his grandfather as “a very hard-working person, very charitable. He thought a lot about what the community is and has left a great legacy. I am very proud of his footprints, which we can pass on to our children and everyone we know. My grandfather was a craftsman, from the old school: for him, working was holding the shovel, the wheelbarrow and with the ‘back’ in the sun. Everything comes from generation to generation that started from my great-grandfather”.

From the CILOH Traditionalism area, the leader Silvia Suárez, recounted that “together with the people of the Permanent Commission of Tradition in La Plata and Rinconada Criolla, which has its activities here in Los Hornos, there will be an exhibition of silverware, punch, pilchas guachas and there will also be dance workshops that belong to the Cultural Center, doing traditional dances. One of the groups, from the La Rural Dance Workshop, will also have the chance to dance with live musicians”.

Vehicle lovers will find motorcycles, cars and bicycles. During these activities there will be a collection of non-perishable food to assist people living on the streets.

These companies accompanied this event of the 140th anniversary of Los Hornos

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