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Losing weight with pasta: Pasta does not automatically make you fat

  • Lose weight with pasta: Why pasta doesn’t automatically make you fat
  • Investigation shows that one too can lose weight with noodles
  • The reason: the Glycemic Index

Many people resolve to lose weight in the New Year and therefore want to optimize their diet. In diet guides, a Low carb diet recommended – a diet with as few carbohydrates as possible. However, a study from Canada came to interesting results that contradict this.

Lose weight and eat pasta: This is how it can work

Researchers from Canada examined noodles and their role in human metabolism and evaluated 30 studies. Around 2,500 overweight participants ate pasta, replacing bread and potatoes in some cases. The surprising result: The participants lost weight.

But why is that? The reason is this Glycemic Index (GI) of pasta, as the researchers find. The GI shows how quickly carbohydrates from food enter the bloodstream. The faster, the faster the blood sugar rises. This encourages weight gain. The lower the glycemic index, the slower the sugar level rises and there are no food cravings.

If you want to take advantage of the glycemic index, go to Put whole wheat pasta. Whole grains keep you full for longer and are also high in fiber, which slows down the spikes in blood sugar levels and prevents cravings. You should also Adapt sauces to the pasta diet. So instead of a heavy cheese sauce, choose a lower-calorie vegetable variant such as spaghetti pomodoro or arrabiata. White bread, potato dishes and white rice are replaced with noodles.

Potatoes, nuts, fruit: These foods also do not make you fat

Another piece of good news: Potatoes don’t make you fat either. This is because the tubers are high in potassium. Potassium regulates blood pressure and water balance. The fiber contained in potatoes creates a long-lasting feeling of satiety. They also contain B vitamins, vitamin C and high-quality protein.

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Nuts can also help with weight loss. Although they contain a lot of calories – 650 kcal per 100 g – they throttle but at the same time that feeling hungry. The unsaturated fatty acids in nuts are important for our cardiovascular system and our cell membranes. So they are the perfect snack when eaten in moderation.

It is often said that fruit is unhealthy because of the high fructose content. However, this is not correct. Fruit is not generally a fat man. It is best to choose low-sugar types of fruit, such as tangerines or honeydew melon. They don’t even contain 1.3 grams of fructose per 100 grams.

Conclusion: Pasta fans can breathe easy

As the Canadian study found out, pasta fans don’t have to give up their favorite food if they want to lose weight. Not only the calories in a food are decisive, but the composition of the substances. Potatoes, nuts and fruit don’t stand in the way of you losing weight either.

For further reading: Saving energy in the kitchen: three clever pasta tips for reducing power consumption

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