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Lost first duel – goes hard against fellow participant

Farm life in 1923 has not been a bed of roses for the Farmen kendis participants in the first week.

Several quarrels and intrigues have characterized the stay. In Wednesday’s episode, Lina Adampour (33) chose to withdraw after accusations of racist language.

After Adampour retired, the first champion election fell to the large farmer Ørnulf Høyer (65) on Aleksander Sæterstøl (27).

New dueling branch in Farmen kendis

Sæterstøl then chose comedian and actor Espen PA Lervaag (45) as second champion.

After an exciting duel in ax throwing, it was Lervaag who had to pack his bag and leave the farm.

When TV 2 met the comedian after the loss, he made several jabs at the big farmer.

– I don’t think this will be forgotten, says Lervaag about Høyer’s controversial choice.

FIRST OUT: Espen PA Lervaag was the first contestant to leave the Celebrity Farm this season. Photo: Anton Soggiu/TV 2

– Strange and undeserved

When Høyer chose Sæterstøl as the first champion, several participants questioned the big farmer’s argument.

– Was there a bad atmosphere when he said Aleksander’s name?

– Yes! The criteria were that those who worked the most should be allowed to stay, while those who worked the least should leave. So suddenly those premises no longer applied. Then there were other premises that applied, which we have not fully understood, says Lervaag to TV 2.

Lervaag says that Høyer had planned to choose Adampour as first champion, but after she withdrew he had to make another choice.

– After all, a choice had been made in advance where a completely different person was to be the first champion. Then that person disappears, and then Aleks gets an undeserved message that he has been chosen as the first fighter, continues the actor.

– The fact that the choice falls on Aleks, I think is both strange and undeserved.

Although Lervaag is critical of Høyer’s choice of first champion, he adds that they are still friends.

– I am still very fond of Ørnulf, and think he is an incredibly cool and funny guy. But as Ørnulf also said, he likes that it is allowed to shoot some hard pucks at each other. So I think it’s okay to disagree, and to like each other even though.

AX THROWING: Aleksander beat Espen in ax throwing. Photo: Anton Soggiu/TV 2

Alliances have begun to form

Høyer’s second argument for having chosen Sæterstøl as first champion is not a strong argument either, according to Lervaag.

– The second reason for choosing Aleksander was that on the first day he had said that he was not sure if he still wanted to be at the Farm. He was a little uncomfortable and unsure of his role – but we all were!

Lervaag believes that Høyer should have had a chat with Sæterstøl if the situation was still like this for the 27-year-old.

– So I think there is a razor-thin basis for choosing someone.

CRITICIZED CHOICE: Espen believes that Ørnulf’s choice to choose Aleksander as first champion is worthy of criticism. Photo: Anton Soggiu/TV 2

The 45-year-old himself is quite sure why Sæterstøl was chosen as first champion.

– If Ørnulf had been 100 per cent honest, I think he sees Aleks as a tough competitor, and knew Aleks would choose another tough competitor as second champion. So then he got rid of one of us.

Despite the fact that the participants have only been on the farm for a week, Lervaag confirms that the alliances have already started to form.

– There are no crystal clear alliances, but there will be groupings. You saw it very much when Lina and Ørnulf fell out, and who then gathered around Ørnulf. Then you see his gang. So there are some alliances, but they are fragile.

Not sure about Torpet celebrity

Now it is the Torpet celebrity who stands for Lervaag.

– I am very excited about how it will be at Torpet. Because I’m a little empty. I had slowed down again after the duel, and thought that “now I can’t wait to get home and shower”.

The 45-year-old admits that he misses his family at home already, and he thinks he has to dig extra deep to find the motivation to fight back on the Farmen farm.

– I hope the people I meet there are exuberant and happy, and will cheer me up again. If not, it can be tough.

However, he hopes that he will find the motivation during the night.

– I hope I can get the boiler fired up again, and they don’t miss home too much. If the loss becomes too great, it may become “hasta la vista” for me.

You can see Farmen kendis on Tuesdays at 21:40, Wednesdays and Sundays at 20, and when you want on TV 2 Play.

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