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Lotto millionaire Chico from Dortmund: Now it’s getting even sadder

Lottery winner Chico from Dortmund has always been emotional. But the Nordstadt boy goes one better: He fulfills the heart’s desires.

With his new YouTube campaign “Chico, I wish…” a new style returns to the Dortmund lottery winner Kürsat “Chico” Yildirim (42) a: He becomes even more sentimental. The Nordstadt boy had already delighted his fans with a lot of closeness, emotion and generous donations – but now he’s going one better. Also to his Home Dortmund he confesses: he never wants to leave here, 10 million euros or not.

More about lottery winner Chico from Dortmund:

His first own office Chico had already proudly presented on the Rhine promenade in Monheim in February. Be Investmentberater had advised the Dortmunder months ago to profit from his popularity on Instagram and TikTok. With his new Social-Media-Marketing-Firma he implements this advice and has already been to the media festival OMR of the digital and marketing scene in Hamburg.

Lottery winner Chico grants wishes – but gives no cash

“I wish…” is the first public project of his new company Yildirim Social Media. Im Kick-off video on YouTube calls Chico his fans to give him theirs deepest wishes to reveal: “Chico makes your dreams come true, you just have to write to me,” announces the lottery millionaire. Breakfast with Chico? Joint canoe trip? Helicopter tour? Chico as a wedding guest? Everything is possible. The big-hearted man from Dortmund likes to give people real pleasure.

But just Cash on the claw – that’s not possible, he says. “And not that you want a Rolex, I’m out of the game there too.” The 42-year-old has already fulfilled a wish for his first video: “Chico, I wish for one iPhone 14. Because my old one broke, I would be happy if you could buy me one,” says a young woman. And promptly she gets one.

Chico’s first wish video on YouTube: Tears come again

In Chico’s first long wish-fulfillment video on YouTube However, it is about something much more banal: The single parent Sascha (44) from Nordstadt got a Photo of his kids in Chico’s Porsche desired. When the four meet on Burgholzstrasse, the millionaire also has gift bags for Fabian (8) and Mia (10). Sensitively, at eye level and very close, he shows the children the car. When talking to Sascha, Chico’s tears come back: “You’re a great dad, no shit, a really, really great dad.” And if there’s a good report card in the summer, Sascha should get in touch again. “I’m sure we’ll meet again,” says Chico.

In general, his wish campaign is very close to him. “I’m just very upset“, he reveals. “I get a lot of messages from you guys, and there are a lot sad stories along with it, very many fates that are sad.” In the comments among his two videos (YouTube channel “Chico Lottomillionaer”) many some fans wish for mundane things like PS2 or cellphones. But also one shopping voucher from Kaufland is desired, a disabled bike – and even the assumption of costs for one dignified funeral mother.

Chico is sentimental and philosophical

Anyway, he is Style in Chicos Posts become more emotional. The former crane driver with a history of drugs has always scored with warmth and feelings. But now he’s even getting philosophical: “I didn’t have any before Angst of nothing,” he says in an Insta-Reel, “I had nothing. And if you don’t have anything, you’re not afraid. But now I’m more scared because I have more to lose.”

Or: “Today I learned something again: The most important thing is health, and to always have the people you love with you. That is the most important thing in life. Really.” He also talks about money – now that he has it: “Does money make you happy? Yes, Money makes me very happy right now. Money makes you worry-free,” he muses. But money isn’t everything: “I can buy a watch with money, but not time. A bed but no sleep. Insurance, but no security.”

Chico’s love of home: “How can I leave Dortmund, hömma?”

But isn’t it time to leave Dortmund? “I’ll never leave Dortmund,” promises Kürsat “Chico” Yildirim, who moved to Dortmund from Turkey with his parents as a child and never lived anywhere else than in Nordstadt. “There are people who ask me why I’m not leaving Dortmund.” To Dubai or something. “But how can I leave Dortmund, hömma? I have a memory on every street, on every corner. I’m so happy here. Here is my home, my home. I’m such a happy dormunder!”

Chico is confirmed by one BVB Fan in front of the stadium at the home game: “He just comes across well,” he says in one of Chico’s Insta videos. “He’s so positive and lets so many people share in his fun and his success, his happiness. Your story is really unique, Chico. Respect, great guy!” How could you leave town like that?

More about lottery winner Chico from Dortmund:

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