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Luciano Arriagada breaks the silence: “In Colo Colo I was not going to have opportunities and they never made me feel important”

Luciano Arriagada spoke with DaleAlbo and told how the last few months in Colo Colo were and the decision to leave the club that formed him.

Luciano Arriagada in Colo Colo.

At the beginning of the year, Athletico Paranaense made official the hiring of Luciano Arriagada. The player left Colo Colo in search of opportunities, which little by little arrive at his new institution, in fact with a championship already won in Brazil.

His departure from the Monumental stadium caused several former soccer players and commentators to talk about the situation experienced by the youth in Colo Colo, who leave the team due to lack of opportunities.

In conversation with DaleAlbo, Luciano Arriagada broke the silence and briefly analyzed his last months in Colo Colo and the final decision to leave the club to go to Athletico Paranaense.

“They were very difficult months but I knew the decision that I had to make with my family, it was very difficult, but it was for the best. In Colo Colo I was never going to have opportunities and they never made me feel important, ”he explained.

To finish, he delved deeper into his departure. “I had few opportunities to play, which is what I wanted the most, to win titles and be a scorer for Colo Colo, and they never made me feel important or let me know that they wanted to count on me, or that things would change. I had to opt for the best for my career and without a doubt it has been the best. I am very happy here at Athletico ”, he declared.

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