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Lukashenko now announces that the Wagners will depend on him and not on Putin

Lukashenko now announces that the Wagners will depend on him and not on Putin

the vaudeville of Prigozhin and the Grupo Wagner keep going. Alexander Lukashenko, affirmed in the morning that the head of the mercenaries was already in Russia and now announces that this army will sign a contract with Belarus. In other words, that the Wagner they will depend on him and not on Vladimir Putinalthough he admits that the parties still have details or rough edges to iron out.

«They have a different view on their deployment», acknowledged Putin’s neighbor and associate. “At the level of law or presidential decree, the framework in which this unit will operate will be determined” Wagner in Belarus, detailed the dictator in a meeting with national and foreign media, according to the official agency BELT.

Lukashenkoin another twist, to the agreement that was supposed to be closed after the aborted June 24 riot, admitted that there were fringes to be resolved. Among others or the most important, the conditions of withdrawal or in other words: its future.

Withdrawal conditions

“To date, the issue of unit redeployment and deployment has not been resolved,” he said, according to reports. Efe.

We offered them several old military camps that were used in times of warLukashenko on the location of the Wagners in Belarus

Difficult to understand what every day becomes more incomprehensible, Lukashenko He clarified: “We are not building camps. We offered them several old military camps that were used in times of war. Even near Osipovichi », southeast of Minsk, he said.

Wagner has a different vision for its deployment. Naturally, I will not tell you what this vision isLukashenko

“But the Wagner Group has a different vision for its deployment. Naturally, I won’t tell you what this vision is.”he added, although he revealed that the main question is where the mercenaries will be located.

In the most difficult yet and without knowing for sure where Prigozhin is, Lukashenko submitted to the decision of Putin warning that the decision on the location of the mercenary army does not depend on him, but on the leadership of Moscow and the “Wagnerites”, who are still in their camps in Russia.

What he did do was praise the fighters who crossed the border into Belarus. He described this unit as the most experienced and useful for the defense of Belarus if the country is attacked. Having said this, he guaranteed that no one will be attacked in his country or from his country, including Ukraine from the southern border.

If aggression is committed against us, we will respond. And if the Wagner Group is here, they, like the Belarusian Army, will defend our interestsLukashenko

“We have never attacked anyone. I have said this before. And we are not going to attack. AND no one will attack anyone from our territory. If aggression is committed against us, we will respond. And if the Wagner Group is here, they, like the Belarusian Army, will defend our interests,” he stressed.

A date with Putin

Lukashenko also announced that he plans to meet soon with Vladimir Putinto address the future of the “Wagnerites”, a repetitive term.

In an apology for surrealism, he suggested that, despite the armed rebellion led by mercenaries, which was described as “treason” by PutinHe did not see any inconvenience for them to continue working for the Russian Federation.

“I don’t think there is any problem for the Wagnerites to work in the interests of Russia. Losing such a unity with all the nuances (about what happened) is impossible. (…) There are about two dozen heroes of Russia », he stressed.

Meanwhile, the world wonders, Where is Prigozhin?

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