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Lula highlighted the search for union in a divided Brazil | THE TERRITORY news from Misiones

Monday April 10, 2023 | 10:40 a.m.

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will celebrate 100 days of his third term today. In an article that he published yesterday in Correio Braziliense, he affirmed that since January 1 he prioritized what “cannot be postponed” and that he worked for the “reconstruction” and “union” of Brazil.

In his article, he assured that “100 days were enough to reverse a terrible scenario” and acknowledged that “the inherited problems were so great and on so many fronts that the term ‘reconstruction’ was incorporated into the motto of the federal government” in reference to his predecessor Jair Bolsonaro .

“There are not two Brazils, the Brazil of those who voted for me and the Brazil of those who voted for another candidate. We are a nation,” said Lula da Silva. In the publication “Brasil returned”, the president listed various social programs launched or relaunched during the first quarter of this year.

The Brazilian president also highlighted the return of the country to the world to stop being an “international pariah.” Lula mentioned that, in this period, he relaunched the Bolsa Família, one of his flagship programs in his previous mandates and that he resumed in March, it had been discontinued by Bolsonaro.

According to Lula, the current administration resumed the initiative called Minha Casa Minha Vida, which provides financing for housing policies for low-income people, and Mais Médicos, which seeks to strengthen medical assistance in states and municipalities from the Government.

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