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Lula seeks to form a “peace group” to mediate between Russia and Ukraine

During his tour of Asia, the President of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silvawas in charge of proposing the creation of a group of countries not involved in the war between Russia and Ukraine to mediate for peace.

In this way, in dialogue with journalists present in Abu Dhabi, he stated that “I think we have to sit at a table and say: ‘enough, let’s start talking’because the war has never brought and will never bring any benefit to humanity”, adding that it was a topic he discussed with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinpingearlier this week.

He also explained that nations that supply weapons must be convinced to stop doing so, which is a reference to both the United States and the European Union having collaborated with weapons for Ukraine.

“We are trying to form a group of countries that have no involvement in the war to talk with Russia and Ukraine, but also with the United States and the European Union, to convince people that peace is the best way to establish a process of conversation,” he declared.

It should be noted that, at the beginning of the year, Lula spoke by phone with the Ukrainian president, Volodímir Zelenskiand on Monday, he will receive in Brasilia the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Sergei Lavrov.

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