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Lyon: Lopes and Blanc put pressure on the transfer window

Beaten at home by Clermont (0-1), this Sunday in Ligue 1, Olympique Lyonnais got off to a bad start to the year 2023. A defeat which prompted goalkeeper Anthony Lopes and coach Laurent Blanc to put pressure on the Rhone leaders to activate during the winter transfer window.

Laurent Blanc demands experienced players.

We thought Olympique Lyonnais finally launched after its Brest festival (4-2), Wednesday. A clearing that quickly dissipated. Without inspiration, the Rhone club started the year 2023 badly by falling against Clermont (0-1), this Sunday, on behalf of the 17th day of Ligue 1.

A very embarrassing defeat for the Lyon team, stuck in 8th position in the standings, where the main members did not hesitate to put pressure.

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Spite, Anthony Lopes quickly sounded the alarm. It’s very complicated, very complicated. We had chances, there were questionable choices in front of goal. We must chain, do much better, continue a series to climb the slope. But there, there was nothing. We can’t win, but we can’t lose, it’s not possiblefirst launched the Portuguese goalkeeper for Canal +.

We accept a lot of things. Every time the opposing team has the ball, we tremble. We have to show something else, at least on the second periodinsisted the Lyon goalkeeper, who did not fail to send a message to the leaders in view of the winter transfer window, which opened on January 1. It will take guys with character to raise their heads, there is really, really urgency. It’s a complicated situation, you have to realize that.

White wants experienced players

An observation shared by his trainer, Laurent Blanc. When it is not possible to win, you must not lose. We are very due for the club, because we could do other things. The group is in a very mental state, they can’t get results. We don’t have that quality to win everything, but we don’t have the right temperament and we accept losing a match. It’s awful. strength, it uses mentallyreacted the French manager for Prime Vido.

With there also a clear message to strengthen the workforce. We are always on alternating current, but the state of mind is not enough. We can take this quality with the players who will come to join us. We need to improve the group, with players capable of supervising the youngsters. We need leaders, added the 1998 world champion. The first reinforcement will be called Dejan Lovren. OL have one month to find others in order to avoid major disappointment.

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