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Lyon: when Aulas insisted on Nasri

After having come up against the refusal of Franck Ribry in 2007, Olympique Lyonnais had tried to recruit another Marseillais. This time, President Jean-Michel Aulas was interested in Samir Nasri.

“They do this with Franck. The following year, they come to see me Cassis, at the time with Jean-Pierre Berns (the agent, editor’s note). There was Bernard Lacombe and Rmi Garde, told the former attacking midfielder in the Zack freewheeling mission on Twitch. We talk and beware, they made a better contract offer than Arsenal.”

“But I couldn’t go to Lyon. I’m from Marseille, I couldn’t. I gave Arsenal the deal and there’s President Aulas calling me and making another offer. When I looked at her, I said to myself: ‘Oh!’ But no, I left Arsenal”, concluded Nasri without regretting his decision.

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