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M. Night Shyamalan wanted to connect Glass and The Visit

For a few short years, M. Night Shyamalan was considered the king of the thriller genre and some even hailed him as the next Steven Spielberg. But all good things must come to an end and after a string of successes the flops started to line up and the director wisely chose to take a step back to produce something more earthy and intimate. The result was The Visit, a found-footage horror film with comedic undertones. He then followed this up with Split which we all know turned out to be a tie-in to his previous film Unbreakable, a trilogy of films that ended with the utterly mediocre Glass.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter now tells Shyamalan that he was close to also including The Visit in the same universe, but that at the last moment he got cold feet and backed away from the decision.

“If I was smart enough to have thought about it 20 some years ago, I would’ve done it, but I wasn’t smart enough to think about it,”

“There was one tie-in that I almost did. It was in Glass when they all got to the mental institution. I was going to tell a story about The Visit and how two people escaped from that same hospital.”

“I was going to do it, but I chickened out. So I didn’t do it.”

In hindsight it was probably a wise decision anyway, maybe it would have gotten a little messy?

What did you think of Split and Glass, and do you think it would have worked if The Visit also had a connection to those films?

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